Eco Fellows Academy Advanced Certificate Renewable Energy Management Eco Fellows Academy
Price: AED 8,092

    Course details

    'Training for capacity building to design frameworks and how to use decision instruments which contribute to increase renewable energy use in economic diversification'

    Intensive Module 1: Certificate One
    1. Energy resources, systems and energy transitions
    2. Energy policy, legislation and management
    3. Natural resources, renewable energy and sustainable development nexus
    4. Renewable energy-rural-urban linkages & economic diversifications
    5. Sociology of renewable energy
    6. RE+ Read More

    Eligibility / Requirements

    • Our courses are specially designed for government, NGO officials, persons working in the environment, energy, agriculture & development sectors
    • Students of Bachelor and masters level should have adequate reasoning to join this program
    • Travelling documents if required, should be arranged by attendees ownself

    Course Location

    About Eco Fellows Academy

    Your best partner for international advanced qualification. Our experts are specialized in international context, specially Environment, Water & Sustainability. As a consequence of increasing circular economy consensus, employees of every sector are confronting making their service or product sustainable, where know-how is a must.
    Achieve your goals with us. We are offering courses in several locations globally as Berlin, Dhaka, Kathmandu, India, Malaysia & Tanzania.

    Very soon we will be offering in Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, UAE, Bahrain and China.

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