Course details

Admission into the Adult Advanced Scene Study class is by audition/interview, and is for the serious student interested in furthering his or her level of work, either for deeper exploration of the acting process or for possible professional pursuit. It is the next follow-on course after the Adult Scene Study course, however,it also accepts experienced students who are new to the school. It is for the highly committed and reliable student with a serious interest in performing.

Course content will cover voice and body work, improvisation and intensive scene work culminating in a performance. The final week of class is TWO presentation nights on June 25th & 26th, 2015, in the New Theatre in Temple Bar, Dublin, and consists of prepared 5-10 minute scenes from published plays and an improvisation series. Due to the content of this course the participants MUST be committed to working with scene partners, and must be willing to work beyond the allotted class times.

Please inquire for a comprehensive course description and audition requirements.
Substantial preparation is required outside normal class times.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Abbey School of Music & Drama

Flying Turtle Productions is an organization established by Kathleen Warner Yeates in 2005,  which engages the skills of performing artists, directors and writers for production, performing arts tuition, corporate training, theyllness and sharing methodologies.

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