Course details

Adobe® Photoshop® has been an indispensable image editing software application for many years. As an aspiring graphic designer, you would like to familiarize yourself with image creation and editing using this software. Understanding the different tools and features available in Photoshop CS3 will help you to maximize your creative potential. In this course, you`ll use the several tools and features of Photoshop CS3 to work with images. You will explore the Photoshop CS3 interface and use several tools for selecting parts of images. You will learn to use layers and to apply layer effects and filters to create special effects. Additionally, you will use painting tools and blending modes to create shading effects. Finally, you will save images in print and web formats.
Before taking this course, students should be familiar with the basic functions of their computer`s operating system, such as creating folders, launching programs, and working with windows. They should also have basic Windows application skills, such as copying and pasting objects, formatting text, saving files, etc. The students should also be familiar with the basic features/functions and terminology of image editing.
Exploring the Photoshop Environment :
  • Explore the Photoshop Interface
  • Customize the Workspace
  • Explore the Navigation Tools
Working with Image Areas :
  • Select Image Areas
  • Save a Selection
  • Modify a Selection
Working with Layers:
  • Create Layers
  • Create Type Layers
  • Transform Layers
  • Alter Type Properties
  • Apply Layer Styles
  • Undo Previous Steps
  • Arrange and Group Layers
Enhancing Images :
  • Paint Strokes on an Image
  • Apply Filter Effects
  • Convert an Image to Black and White
  • Blend Layers
  • Merge Layers and Flatten Images
Saving Images for Web and Print :
  • Save Images for Use in Print Applications
  • Save Images for the Web
  • Save Images as PDF
Managing Assets with Adobe:
  • Explore Adobe Bridge
  • Work with Adobe Bridge
  • Work with Stacks and Filters in Adobe Bridge
  • Apply Metadata and Keywords to Files
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Professional Training Solutions Ltd

Professional Training is a group of experienced specialists providing specific training and consultancy solutions, within Management Skills, I.T. systems, Human Restheirce Development, Credit Management, Sales, Finance and Engineering.
they believe in using a combination of tailored, flexible approaches and real-life business knowledge to develop and provide techniques and solutions for immediate implementation.
their recent projects include supporting major initiatives for clients in utilities, telecoms, manufacturing and software, covering:
restructuring for competitiveness
productivity improvements through updating work processes to match new technology
managing outstheircing
strategic financial planning and engineering
their methodology is to:
Work closely with clients to understand and help them prioritise their needs
Design and deliver the best mix of training activities and consultancy to establish the competencies required
Provide ongoing coaching to sustain the improved practices and processes
they create relevant, targeted, enjoyable, and interactive, training sessions which are designed to improve the retention of information by participants and create a clear link from the training to the workplace. This creates a planned, visible improvement in key business indicators such as productivity, motivation, loyalty, employee retention, and ultimately, profit.
their collaborative approach builds long-term relationships with clients. Together, they can deal effectively with the inevitable challenges all businesses face.
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