Course details
This is an introductory course for designers and budding developers new to the Flash environment, Students will produce an engaging Flash interface using text, graphics, animations, video, and sound. User interactions are added using built-in Flash ActionScript behaviors and Script Assist. Students will leave this class with the ability to create and incorporate web animations.
Prerequisite: Strong computer skills, and exposure to web development concepts. Dreamweaver Website… + Read More
Course details
This is an introductory course for designers and budding developers new to the Flash environment, Students will produce an engaging Flash interface using text, graphics, animations, video, and sound. User interactions are added using built-in Flash ActionScript behaviors and Script Assist. Students will leave this class with the ability to create and incorporate web animations.
Prerequisite: Strong computer skills, and exposure to web development concepts. Dreamweaver Website Development is suggested prior to this course.
Course Outline
Working in Flash CS3
- Creating Flash CS3 animations and setting up properties
- Setting Stage Dimensions within Flash CS3
- Getting to know the Flash CS3 interface and working with Panels and Panel Layouts
- How the Flash CS3 interface compares to interfaces in the rest of the suite
- Setting Flash CS3 Preferences
- Using Preferences to set up a customized workspace withing Flash CS3
- Identifying the Development cycle
- Publishing a Flash CS3 file
- Working with the Library panel, the Property inspector and the Tools panel
- Previewing your SWF Flash movie to ensure proper animation
Creating and Importing Graphic Assets
- Working with different graphic formats within Flash CS3
- How Symbols differ from Instances
- Using the Flash CS3 drawing tools to create shapes and gradients
- Using Object and Merge drawing
- Animating Flash-generated objects and converting to Shapes to Symbols
- Importing Vector Graphics from Illustrator with the native Illustrator format
- Converting Illustrator CS3 layers to either Layers or Keyframes and selecting different layers to import
- Copying directly from Illustrator CS3 into Flash
- Importing Bitmap Graphics into Flash CS3 from Photoshop and Fireworks
- Copying directly from Photoshop or Fireworks into Flash CS3
- Importing Photoshop or Fireworks images into the Library
- Converting Bitmaps to Vectors
- Adding and modifying Buttons in Flash
Flash CS3 Layers and Layer Folders
- Creating and Using the Flash CS3 Graphic Symbols
- Using the Library panel
- Adding Flash layers stop the Timeline
Using Text Effectively
- Using the Text Tool
- Adding and Formatting Static Text within Flash CS3
- Using imported text for your Flash movie
- Converting text to symbols when you need to use the same text multiple times
- Changing Font Rendering Methods, organizing text layers in a Timeline, adding Input Text Fields
- Embedding Fonts in Input Text Fields
- Animating Flash text within masks to hide parts of your text
- Applying Onion Skinning to see multiple frames on the Stage at once
- Using Font Best Practices for Flash CS3
Creating Flash Animations
- Working with the Flash CS3 Timeline to create complex animations
- Using Keyframes, Blank Keyframes, and Frames
- Creating Flash CS3 Motion tweens and Shape tweens
- Creating Transition Effects within Flash CS3
- Nesting Movie Clip symbols within each other for greater flexibility
- Editing Symbols and adding Layers and Keyframes to its Timeline
- Adding sound to your animations
- Using Shape Tweens to transform objects
- How Motion Tweens differ from Shape Tweens
- Fading objects in and out using Transparency options
- Animating on a Motion Path
ActionScript with Script Assist and Behaviors
- Creating Flash files that chagne based on the viewer's actions
- Introduction to Actionscript 3.0
- Using Actionscript to load the initial movie and generate interactivity
- Additing Actionscript to attach behaviors to buttons, load text files from a URL, and stop a preloader
- Using Script Assist
- Adding Actions to a Frame
- Assigning Variables to assign a data type
- Using proper Actionscript syntax, or the proper "Grammar" of Actionscript
- Working with Conditional Statements to act upon determinations
- Creating and Using Button Symbols within Flash CS3
- Adding Behaviors to a Button
- Loading External SWF's into the Flash movie
Using Movie Clips
- Creating and Using Movie Clip symbols
- Organizing a Movie Clip Timeline
- Using Actions to Control a Timeline
- Using Frame Labels for Flash CS3
- Responding to User Interactions
Adding Sound and Video
- Importing Sound into Flash CS3
- Changing Sound Properties
- Adding Sound to a Flash CS3 Timeline
- Embedding Video in a Timeline
- Using the FLVPlayback Component
- Publishing Flash CS3 Documents
- Using Different Flash CS3 Publishing Formats
- Using Publishing Profiles
- Adding Flash CS3 Player Detection
- Publishing for Deployment
- Question/Answer
Updated on 08 November, 2015 - Read LessAbout New Vision Training Center
New Vision training center was founded; New Vision Computer Learning and testing Center has grown in this short period to become one of the best IT training centers in Egypt . They offer now more courses, at more times for the most respected international certifications ever in the computer training industry, with hands-on laboratory exercises where learners apply what they learn in class.
New Vision can offer IT training for many small, medium and large organizations. The variety of learning options from New Vision allows students to learn in the manner that best suits their schedule, budget, learning style and expertise
The success of our customers is realized through training classes, but the foundation of New Vision is based on inspiring students and companies to become more productive and successful in their daily activities. They see it on our students' faces every day and as long as they gain more knowledge. It's the confidence that comes from learning
About our staff it consists of professional technical certified instructors ready to share all the knowledge with their learners. They provide the right environment to develop and empoTheyr staff, within organizations, to make full use of their Information systems and applications and above all their personal potential. Our staff is simply the right team in the right place.
The New Vision Training Center knows firsthand that computer training has to meet all of its customers' needs in order to have a tangible lasting impact. When you measure across multiple customer segments—each of which has its own priorities—you see how much more training must do to consistently and simultaneously satisfy participants, managers, and executives. Training then can move to close those gaps and deliver more real value. Closing those gaps betTheyen employer skill needs and employee skills development is the main objective of New Vision.
See all New Vision Training Center courses