A Beginner Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Hands-on Course Udemy
Price: USD 85
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Have you heard the term "Bitcoin" but have no idea what it really is or how it works? Maybe you have heard how even a modest investment can yield over 200% returns? Are you tired of investing your money for retirement with banks or investment firms that are giving you less than 1% annually while they profit more from your money then you do?

My step-by-step online video course is aimed at the absolute beginner in Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency. This course is based on my popular "in-person" classes I host in Southern California and each section is broken down into its own "easy-to-digest" video section to allow you to learn at your own pace. PLUS, you get the added benefit of all the questions asked during my hands-on class too! Even those with some familiarity with Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency will find a wealth of new tips, tricks, and resources to increase their portfolio.

Cryptocurrency IS the future and I can help you to navigate the world of Cryptocurrency so you can get started down the road to financial freedom. This explosive industry is being driven by a technology that is as revolutionary as the automobile was in the 1920's & the internet was in the late 1980's. I know, I know, it all seems very "technical", but I present the information in a way that is easy to digest, I do not use a lot of "technical jargon" that you won't understand, and you have lifetime access to this course so you can always watch a specific video again to refresh your memory!

Updated on 06 January, 2018
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