NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health Al Mashreq Training
Price: AED 14,614
  • Duration: 80 Hours
  • Timings: Full Time,Part Time, 08:00 - 16:00

    Course details

    The NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety is a qualification for health and safety practitioners operating internationally. It is intended to build upon the foundation provided by the NEBOSH International General Certificate. 

    Course Objectives

    The NEBOSH International Diploma is the qualification for aspiring health and safety professionals building directly upon the foundation of knowledge provided by the NEBOSH International General Certificate. It is designed to provide students with the expertise - wherever in the world they may be working - required to undertake a career as a safety and health practitioner. It also provides a sound basis for progression to an MSc or more specialist study (such as the NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management

    Course Content

    The NEBOSH International Diploma is modeled on the NEBOSH National Diploma. The key difference between the two is that instead of referring to UK Laws, the International Diploma takes a risk management approach based on best practice and international standards, such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) codes of practice, with special reference to models such as the ILO's "Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems" (ILO-OSH 2001).

    Underpinning knowledge of legal frameworks is included and local laws and cultural factors may form part of the study programmer where relevant and appropriate.

    This qualification provides the core health and safety knowledge which underpins competent performance as an Occupational Health and Safety Practitioner

    The qualification is divided into four units, each of which s assessed separately:   

    • Unit IA: International management of health and safety 
    • Unit IB: International control of hazardous agents in the workplace 
    • Unit IC: International workplace and work equipment safety 
    • Unit DNI: International application of health and safety theory and practice  

    Students may choose to take individual units in any order over a five-year period.

    Assessment and Certification

    There are no entry requirements for this qualification, though the achievement of the NEBOSH International

    General Certificate or direct equivalent prior to undertaking the Diploma curse is highly recommended.

    The standard of English required by students studying for the NEBOSH International Diploma must be such that they can both understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.

    The qualification is divided into four units, three assessed by written examinations of three hours' duration (Units IA, IB and IC) with the assignment unit designed to test knowledge across the syllabus, assessing application of health and safety theory and practice (Unit DNI).

    Target Audience

    The NEBOSH International Diploma is the qualification for aspiring health and safety professionals building directly upon the foundation of knowledge provided by the NEBOSH International General Certificate. It is designed to provide students with the expertise - wherever in the world they may be working - required to undertake a career as a safety and health practitioner. It also provides a sound basis for progression to an MSc or more specialist study (such as the NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management. Successfull candidates may apply for full IOSH member.

    Updated on 16 October, 2018

    Eligibility / Requirements

    NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    HSE Manager , Safety Officer , Safety Engineer

    About Al Mashreq Training

    Al Mashreq Training is a professional private training provider that offers top-notch quality training and consultancy services in diversified areas. Established in 2000, Al Mashreq Training’s vision is to become an internationally recognized training provider that offers the highest quality training in the region. Al Mashreq Training pioneered training provision for Occupational Health and Safety!
    Al Mashreq Training concentrates on providing high quality training on the areas of Health & Safety, Business Management, English Language and Information & Communication Technology. As a result, Al Mashreq Training acquired accreditation from the most sought after UK Awarding bodies namely: National Examination Board on Occupational Health and safety (NEBOSH), Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL), Health & Safety Institute (Medic), London Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Education Development International (LCCI - EDI) & the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). In 2006, Al Mashreq Training signed an agreement with the world largest safety organization (The US National Safety Council – NSC) to be the main agent in Bahrain for the NSC.
    The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) in Bahrain regularly assesses all educational establishments in the country, evaluating all aspects of the teaching and administration of the schools and colleges. In 2012, Al Mashreq Training was one of the very few educational establishments awarded the highest assessment of Outstanding by the QAA.
    Over the past twelve years since Al Mashreq Training was established, it has successfully trained many people in a variety of qualifications. Many of these students have been aided by Bahrain Labtheir Fund (Tamkeen). The purpose of this project is to enable Bahrainis to obtain the necessary training to help develop the human restheirce needs of the country. Al Mashreq Training has been instrumental in addressing these needs and has provided ctheirses for more than 10,000 students to help them progress in their chosen careers.
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