Udemy 6 Simple Lean Steps To Save Your Business Time And Money Udemy
Price: AED 220

    Course details

    You will want to take this class if you want to learn to:

    • Understand Lean improvement
    • Save time and money by improving a process or problem
    • Make sure you spend your time on improving the right things
    • Make sure the improvements you make stick
    • Get some actual and measurable results of your efforts

    The course consists of 14 videos for you to watch and lots of additional resources like handy links and templates.

    You'll complete a project based on a particular problem in your business that costs you too much time or money. You can use my the included Business Improvement Blueprint to find out which problem you should tackle first. In the bonus material you will find 2 videos that will guide you through the Blueprint step by step, making sure you get the most out of it.

    You will walk out of the class with hands-on results that you can use immediately. Even better, you are encouraged to work with your classmates and colleagues so you can practice together and make continuous improvement part of your day to day business.

    Also keep an eye out on my blog for more information on Lean, continuous improvement and all those other things you need to know and do to ensure your business is organised and growing.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018