Special Makeup Effects Artists/Designer The Make-up Technicians Pty Ltd
Price: AUD 10,543

    Course details

    Special Makeup Effects Artists/Designer - Passionate person wishing to develop their skills further, to gain as much information as possible, leap frogging them to bigger and better jobs, with this added skill set.

    What You'll Learn

    Planning, marketing & developing your makeup business.

    Advanced SPFX using full face casting for film prosthetics, exploring the history and social impact of Period, Century Makeup & Hair for Film, Theatre and Runway's latest trend Fashion looks.

    Design, measure for creation of Facial Hair pieces ready for application on film and theatre productions.

    Perfecting Airbrushing skills for beauty, bridal, learning the art of the paint job on your prosthetic piece prior to application.

    Advanced Body art, creating appliances to complete your makeup looks.

    Cementing the knowledge already acquired from your first 12 months of training, this really does depend on the area of expertise you want to specialise in and work towards, but to really hone in and perfect the many varied skills a makeup artist can possess / from a professional artist's point of view! This is a must to follow on with.

    Updated on 13 November, 2018

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Make-up , Hair Stylist

    About The Make-up Technicians Pty Ltd

    The Makeup Technicians! We are The Makeup Artists Makeup School! teaching current knowledge in all areas of makeup, learn from the history of makeup to transform the looks of tomorrow from Beauty, Film, Fashion, Airbrushing, SPFX, Prosthetics, Photography, Theatre, Wigs to Social Media, Portfolios and Work Placement. (TMT), was established in Sydney in 1989 by a then working makeup artist, to provide aspiring artists with a first-rate, internationally recognised qualification in makeup artistry. Today, TMT continues with another makeup artist at the helm and is renowned for its cutting-edge training, innovative vocational program, and outstanding graduates. Their success is our success! Makeup Courses Sydney, Makeup School Sydney, Makeup, Makeup Artist, become a Professional, Makeup Artist..Sydney’s Best Makeup School.

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