Diploma in Human Resources Practice (CIPD) Institute of Technology Tallaght
Price: EUR 400

    Course details

    Who is this course for?

    This diploma is designed for people who have successfully completed the CIPD Foundation Level Certificate in Human Resource Practice. The course is structured to progress the CIPD  HR Profession Map membership criteria. It provides as such a more in-depth understanding of HR in a business context, and enables you to develop the knowledge and skills to further increase your contribution to the HR function. 

    The course should also be of interest to those who wish to do a suite of stand-alone modules.

    Entry Requirements

    Members of the CIPD who have completed either the CIPD Foundation Certificate in Human Resource Practice (or the previous CIPD Certificate in Personnel Practice*) and are working in the field of Human Resources and wish to develop their knowledge and skills; OR have the responsibility for Human Resources activities and decisions within an organisation without a specialist function.


    Assessments for the programme are designed to equip you with the ability to apply learning back in your organisation and in your work role. 

    Accordingly, assessment is by:

    • Demonstrating practical skills 
    • Short work-based reports 
    • A self-assessment of your experience and contribution to the programme 
    • Evaluation, explanation and comparison case study exercises 

    There are 3 modules:

    • Coaching Skills 
    • Mentoring Skills 
    • Change Management

    Career Opportunities

    Upon successful completion of theprogramme (and already a holder of the CIPD Foundation Certificate in Human Resource Practice), you will be awarded the CIPD Foundation Diploma in HR Practice. Acquiring the (CIPD) Diploma in Human Resource Practice Qualification is therefore another significant step in achieving further recognition and advancement in your HR career.

    Updated on 11 October, 2018

    About Institute of Technology Tallaght

    Institute of Technology Tallaght is one of the leading higher education institutes in Ireland. It is accredited as a member of the European Credit Transfer Scheme for Higher Education Awards and we have been awarded the Extended European Erasmus University Charter. Our qualifications are recognized world-wide and therefore provide opportunities for educational and career mobility on a global basis.

    The Institute is currently celebrating 20 years of service to the region. It was opened in 1992 as a European Demonstration College for Technological Education. In that time the Institute has expanded from an initial cohort of seven hundred students to a current complement, full and part-time, of almost four thousand undergraduates and over 60 postgraduates. It has been an exciting period in which we have witnessed the revolution in ICT impact education to make institutions like ours innovative adopters of technology for teaching and student support.

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