Successful Procurement Of FM Services BMC Training
Price: TRY 240,046

    Course details

    This course is designed to guide buyers and managers of FM services through the process of developing a procurement strategy to meet business needs and achieve a 'best value' solution.

    Participants will be shown how to determine the correct procurement strategy through profiling current services, understanding the actual service requirements and establishing the true cost of service delivery. The structure and content of service contracts and how to specify services clearly and concisely will be explained and participants will learn how to set meaningful service levels to aid performance measurement and control costs. Selection of bidders, the management of a clear tender process specific to services and winning negotiation techniques will also be explained. The interrelationship between procurement and service delivery will be explored, as will the criteria for successful mobilisation and day-to-day management.


    This course will enhance the participants' commercial awareness and enable them to:

    • Determine appropriate contract strategies
    • Identify opportunities for service level improvements and cost savings
    • Understand service contracts
    • Manage the tender process
    • Initiate contracted service provision effectively
    • Manage contracts and resolve disputes

    Course outline

    The procurement process

    • Setting procurement outcomes
    • Who should be involved
    • Reviewing current service provision
    • Service profiling
    • Current cost and future budget
    • Impact of business objectives

    Contract strategy

    • Determining a contract strategy
    • Driving out unnecessary costs
    • Setting expectations
    • Culture and constraints
    • Planning and control
    • Contractual relationship style (partnering, alliance, etc)

    Understanding service contracts

    • Contract document structure
    • Terms and conditions
    • What type of specification?
    • Pitfalls of supplier contracts
    • How to draft service specifications
    • How to structure pricing schedules

    The tender process

    • How to control the process
    • Deadlines and responsibilities
    • Getting the best from bidders
    • Structured evaluation methods
    • Understanding the price!
    • Running an effective tender board
    • Interviewing and negotiation techniques
    • Completing the deal efficiently and effectively


    • Resourcing (client, contractor)
    • Communication issues
    • Establishing working relationships
    • Interpreting the contract
    • Setting KPIs
    • Meetings and documentation
    • Anticipating and resolving common problems

    Contract management

    • How to focus on strategic management
    • Driving innovation
    • Managing performance and costs
    • Measurement made easy
    • Dispute management
    • Reviews, development, extensions and re-tendering
    • Useful tips on managing specific services
    Updated on 28 October, 2018

    About BMC Training

    BMC Training provides training courses and programms in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam. Training is essential to the achievements of a business. Perhaps its most positive benefit is better employees. A company develop the potential of an employee, and part of the way a company encourages improvement is through training. Often, good training is just as important as a good benefits package for an employee.

    For employers, training allows them to locate a wider range of people with the kind of outlook that matches the company mission statement. The right kind of perspective is a hard thing to cultivate, whereas workplace specific proficiencies are easier to nature. The other advantage employers should remember about training is it offers them an improved retention rate. Employees are more loyal to companies that value their growth and want to cultivate it, and thusly provide a better performance and decrease the rollover rate at any company, no matter how small or large. If an employee thinks a company values him or her, that sentiment will go into whatever the employee is designing, selling, manufacturing, etc.

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