Health, Environment and Safety in Facilities Management Afroteq Academy
Price: AED 2,821

    Course details

    • The roles and responsibilities of facilities management
    • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act
    • Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

    The training programme covers the fundamentals of general facilities management in a practical way. The focus areas include an overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHAct) and some of its implications, emergency and contingency planning and the basics of asset management and building maintenance.

    The programme also broaches the importance of and the methods linked to conducting building assessments that enables the delegate to strategize, schedule and implement planned maintenance schedules to ensure the sustainable and efficient use of assets during its life cycle.

    In addition, the delegate will attend three days of practical hands on fire marshal and health awareness training. This part of the training is accredited and linked to unit standards at NQF levels 1 and 2 that is valid for two years.

    Delegate Profile

    Facilities coordinators, facilities managers, office managers, personal assistants, building managers, property developers, handymen and maintenance managers.

    Updated on 17 October, 2018

    About Afroteq Academy

    Welcome to Afroteq Academy Established in 2004, our Academy is one of the leading facilities management training providers in the FM and built environment sector.

    We at Afroteq Academy are your all encompassing facilities management training provider and specialist in the built environment. With a passion for facilities management and growth of people in the industry, we deliver tailored, professional training

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