BIFM Diploma in Facilities Management – Level 3 Advanced Workplace Solutions
Price: AED 8,377

    Course details

    Provides the learner with broad and practical details of the knowledge & skills needed to deliver a professional facilities management service. Each qualification you complete requires a work based assessment to be submitted.

    The Diploma - 48 Credits

    This is a course designed to cover the key elements of Facilities Management and aid the Facilities Managers in their day to day operational delivery of services. It is designed for those who are new to FM and also for those with up to three years operational experience in FM and who wish to broaden their skill sets. Incorporates a one-day Financial course which will enable FM's to understand and manage the principle concepts of budgets.


    The training we provide is practical and workshop orientated with real world scenarios. It is designed to ensure that the student can immediately start to implement their learning in the workplace upon completion of the course.

    Updated on 18 October, 2018

    About Advanced Workplace Solutions

    Advanced Workplace Solutions is an independent Facilities Management Training and Consultancy company.

    Established in early 2016 to specifically address two key areas:

    1. Improvement of the skills base within our industry.

    2. The need for a more progressive and innovative approach to FM consultancy services which are truly independent.

    The Training courses are designed to meet the needs of all progressive and forward thinking organisations who require training for their FM teams whether they be in house or external service providers. The training is geared to provide concentrated practical advice that can be put to immediate use in the workplace. The tutoring team boasts some of the most experienced and senior practitioners of Facilities Management in Ireland.

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