Udemy 3D Modeling With Maya: How to Model 3D Weapons From Scratch! Udemy
Price: AED 735
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Course Information:

Weapons can be one of the most enjoyable assets to create in modern game development as they can receive a lot of attention and care, and are highly appreciated by players and developers alike.In this course, Game Weapon Modeling Finally, you'll discover how to unwrapthelow poly mesh in UV Headus Toolsthat's ready for texturing.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to confidently create hard surface weapons for game development.

More about the Instructor:

This course is designed by Animation Hackswhichis the visual effect studio with high-quality skillartistwork on numerous unannounced projects. In addition, they enjoysharing theirknowledge with those students who learn 3D online.

NOTE FORSTUDENTS- please take a lookSection 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachmentlinkwith the lesson.)

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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