3D Animation & Modeling 3dsense Media School
Price: AED 67,966

    Course details

    This is a diploma for those seeking to be computer graphics generalists, 3D Animators or Modelers in the media and entertainment industry. Since 2003, this program has trained many professionals working in the industry today. Students will be mentored by industry veterans including program director Gyuhyun Kim and art director Derrick Song. Students will graduate with the WSQ Diploma in Animation (Modeling) or WSQ Diploma in Animation (Animation) awarded by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About 3dsense Media School

    To be a premier school with graduates in every major media production studio around the world


    To provide the highest quality education in computer graphics, digital arts and design so as to nurture talent for the global digital media industry

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