Course details

3D Animators can graphically simplify complicated concepts and convey complex inter-relationships, which are difficult to visualize. Concepts and ideas,which cannot easily be represented in words or even through illustrations, canbe easily created and viewed from different angles. Animation can combine vast amounts of scientific data into a compact package, which can then be presented simplistically. Animation captures attention, and the information which is presented as a moving image is retained by the viewer for a longer time and with greater accuracy. Animation can re-create an event, which is too expensive or too dangerous to reproduce, e.g. an aircraft accident. Scenes which have beenaltered or which no longer exist, e.g. Demolished buildings or colonies to be constructed can be easily re-created through animation.

Course Contents 

Getting started

  • Introduction to 3dS Max
  •  Basic Concept about 3D
  • Introduction to view ports
  • Introduction to the Axis

Different types of objects

  • Introduction to Objects
  • Primitive Objects
  • Extended Primitives
  • Splines

Rendering an object

  • Introduction to rendering
  • Save a rendered output as bitmap.


  • Introduction To Animation
  • Introduction to Key frames
  • Introduction to Particles
  • Particle Animation
  • Space warps
  • Special Effects
  • Rendering an animation

Introduction to Camera

  • Add a Camera into the view port
  • Animation of camera along a path
  • Making a walkthrough
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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Family Computers is one of the pioneering companies to open computer training centre in Qatar and provides training services to corporate houses and individuals alike.  we provide training for a wide range of topics related to computers and have trained in excess of 40,000 students. A figure which is more than most of the training providers put together.

We are always in the forefront in launching job oriented, practical computer training courses. We emphasis on the importance of individual attention to students and limited students in a batch. This also helps us to improve the quality of our service.

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