Fashion Design Slim's Fashion and Arts School
Price: AED 8,341
  • Duration: 1 Year

Course details

At Slim's, the emphasis is placed on two foundation courses: one with a focus on design, the other on clothing construction. A fashion design professional should take both. These courses may be taken as a package or individually, with flexible schedules to accommodate both full time and part-time students. Both courses are TESDA-certified.

Full course includes pertinent fundamentals such as freehand drawing, color theory, anatomy and apparel design. This comprehensive course arms students not just with fashion sketching skills, but with a strong art-based foundation that enables them to fully develop both talent and aesthetic sense.

Updated on 10 December, 2018

Job roles this course is suitable for:

Fashion Designer , Fashion Stylist , Fashion Consultant

About Slim's Fashion and Arts School

Slim’s Fashion & Arts School celebrates over 50 years of providing in-depth, technical courses in fashion design and dressmaking/patternmaking. The most established fashion school in the country, the school’s alumni include notable names that have helped shape the Philippine fashion industry: Joe Salazar, Oskar Peralta, Cesar Gaupo, Oliver Tolentino, Michael Cinco and Joey Samson, to name a few.

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