Human Resource Management Pakistan Institute of Management
Price: PKR 27,000

    Course details

    n our ever increasingly competitive economy there is a growing realization that ' real gains' in performance and productivity can only come about through better use and development of people. For this purpose the tool and interventions available to the concerned organization lie in the field of Human Resource Management.

    If better use of the Human Resource in the organizations is to be made then there is an absolute necessity that a sound understanding and knowledge of principles and practices of human resource management be possessed by all the people who are concerned with managing people.


    • Fundamentals of HR planning 
    • Recruitment and Selection 
    • Human Relations 
    • Handling discipline 
    • Handling grievances 
    • Performance appraisal 
    • Training and development 
    • To provide a sound background of the principles and practices of Human Resource Management 
    • To develop an understanding of the long term implications of HR issues faced in the organizations 
    • To provide a forum for exchange of views and ideas relating to the field of HR in Pakistan

    Updated on 30 October, 2018

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Human Resource

    About Pakistan Institute of Management

    Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM) is the pioneer of executive development in Pakistan and specializes in the training and development of managers from business and industry. Its primary mission is to serve the growing and complex needs of organizational managers through training, consultancy and research. Since PIM’s inception in 1954, more than 150,000 managers have participated in its courses. 

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