IOSH Managing Safely Levantine Training Centre
Price: AED 1,469
  • Duration: 3 - 5 Days

Course details

This Managing safely course, designed for managers and supervisors, of any organisation or sector, is unlike any other.

The managing safely course can be delivered over three, four or five days and offers health and safety management basics. The high quality animated graphics and presentation materials make it fun and engaging. You'll find everything you need in the pack including a board game, DVDs and quizzes.

All training provider companies who deliver Managing safely need to have:

  • Trainers with a level 3 occupational safety and health qualification (equivalent to A level standard) 
  • At least two years' training experience (with a minimum 50 per cent face-to-face delivery), or a level 3 qualification in training 
  • A nominated IOSH member, with line management responsibility at the company, who will make sure everyone who delivers our courses meets our delivery standards.

Updated on 19 December, 2018

Job roles this course is suitable for:

HSE Manager , Safety Officer , Safety Supervisor

About Levantine Training Centre

Levantine Professional Training & Education Limited (LTC) is a Cyprus registered company (HE 341616), incorporated in March 2015.

LTC’s mission is to provide training and professional development in Oil & Gas, Marine and Civil Defence throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, with the longer term goal of being the recognised regional centre of excellence for such training and attracting participants from a broader geography to our Cyprus based training centre.

LTC offers quality, accredited courses covering a wide range of disciplines with added value to the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of professionals.

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