Course details
Practice on 1000+ highly realistic PMP® Exam sample questions that were developed based on the current PMP exam specifications and cover all Knowledge areas of PMBOK 5th and 6th Edition . When it comes to the PMP (Project Management Professional) certification, it is important to review PMP Practice test/ Practice Exam questions that are most similar to the ones tested on the actual exam.
5 high-quality realistic PMP® and CAPM® exams with questions designed to test your PMBOK® knowledge, very similar to those you will see on the real PMP® and CAPM® exams.
Each Exam consists of 200 questions to be answered within 4 hours.
If you score more than 85% in the Practice Tests, then you have a very good chance to Pass easily the Real PMP® Exam.
If you want to get a strong background for PMP® Exam, If you are looking for a great reference for PMP® Exam, If you are looking for a source in order to quick review for PMP® Exam, more importantly, If you want to pass the PMP® Exam;
After months of dedicated research, I created this High Quality Practice exam to deliver the same experience as that of the Actual PMP exam.
This course includes High Quality Realistic PMP® Exams. These exams are created just as the real exam. Proportion of questions from each domain are same as the real exam:
Initiating: %13
Planning: %24
Executing: %31
Monitoring & Controlling: %25
Closing: %7
More than 2700 students enrolled in my courses, and knowledge based testing courses tell me everyday how much they have been helped.
Disclaimer: PMI®, PMBOK®, PMP® and CAPM® are registered trademarks of Project Management Institute
Updated on 07 March, 2018CAPM Related Questions
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