Course details
Higher Diploma in Facilities Management course aims to the knowledge on integrated facilities management skills. Larger, more complex facilities are built every day with an impressive array of technology and automated systems. Plant managers are responsible not only for day-to-day operations but also long-term: improving efficiency, keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and codes as well as ensuring safety and sustainability.
Successful facilities management requires handling competing needs and expectations with a high level of professionalism and cost effectiive. Attain the technical skills and management techniques you need to increase your effectiveness; save on budget and ensure quality control without compromising on quality. Advance your understanding of this diverse field and focusing on design and management from concept and installation to long-term use.
The contents will cover from modules such as Defects in Built Environment, Facilities Management, Managing of Equipment and Facilities, Green Engineering Design and Application, Sustainable Practice, Contracts and Procurement & Surveying and Space Planning, it also covers modules such as workplace safety and health practice, Operations Management, professions in context & Professional Practice Project.
This course adopts the Facilities Management Unit (FMU) Management Cycle as a theoretical and practical framework.
Graduates from this course can look forward to a career in managing the facilities of an industrial, residential and office building.
The curriculum will include recent innovate skills for engage the more challenging and complex needs in the industry. A focus on working in groups and classroom communication and collaboration are essential to prepare students for the future. In this course, you will acquire these skills through industry based projects, case studies and assignments.
The curriculum will include recent innovate skills for engage the more challenging and complex needs in the industry. A focus on working in groups and classroom communication and collaboration are essential to prepare students for the future. In this course, you will acquire these skills through industry based projects, case studies and assignments.
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Know how construction is done and anticipate types of building defects.
- Recognise the role of the building surveyors or facilities management staff who does defect surveys.
- Know the equipment, techniques and procedures involved in identifying building defects.
- Produce survey reports and schedules of maintenance and repair
- Apply standards and procedures for local building structures
- Discuss the role of facilities management and how facilities management fits within the structure of an organisation.
- Plan for administering support services within an organisation.
- Incorporate financial planning and control in the maintenance schedules.
- Identify primary functions of an organization and plan for its continual business operation.
- Plan for maintenance schedules and types of maintenance
- Apply risk assessment and plan for strategic maintenance
- Recognize and plan for effective and efficient use of equipment.
- Document planned schedules and resource requirements for an effective maintenance.
- Execute maintenance operation of equipment and facilities
- Systematically monitor and review the maintenance operation on equipment and facilities
- Plan for strategic maintenance of equipment for safety and optimal performance
- Identify and apply the various safety and health practices in construction and other engineering industries.
- Execute the local administrative and incident/accident reporting procedures
- Identify and understand the health, safety and welfare legislation applicable to the construction, built environment and the various engineering industries.
- Discuss the main requirements of an effective health and safety policy.
- Discuss hazard to review a risk assessment at the work site.
- Understand the need to review, revise and monitor risk assessments.
- Recognise the different types of clean energy that can be converted for green engineering
- Examine the sustainability issues with the energy systems.
- Apply the use the energy management technology and equipment
- Know the design or processing of harnessing clean energy
- Discuss how clean energy can be used to substitute costly and pollutant energy resources
- Discuss the application of clean energy in building, motor-driven machineries and industrial appliances.
- To know how to create a project scope and scheme of work.
- Recognise and propose implementation and monitoring the scheme of work.
- To discuss and reflect upon completed group project.
- Justify, conclude and summarize a solution for problems identified.
- Relate to the requirements of sustainability and its core practices
- Analyse the product or material Life Cycle Assessment.
- Apply energy conservation strategies to realize its benefits.
- Identify the different effects on indoor environment and its subsequent impact on building occupants and work place.
- Identify and explain the factors that affect the choice of construction procurement methods and contractual arrangements.
- Know current issues and best practice associated with the procurement of construction projects.
- Know the roles and activities of the parties and organisations involved in the procurement of construction projects.
- Evaluate construction contracts in terms of time, cost and quality.
- Evaluate and relate construction contracts in terms of supply chain management.
- Plan the equipment, techniques and procedures involved in building surveys.
- Describe the procedures for building surveys
- Apply the professional requirements of undertaking standard residential surveys
- Produce survey reports and schedules of maintenance and repair.
- Interpret the principles that guide and the legislation that have impacts on the planning and management of space
- Explain the planning process of space planning.
- Plan, organize and execute accommodation changes
- Create strategies for optimisation of space utilisation
- Discuss the nature and importance of operational management.
- Explain the relation between operations management and strategic planning.
- Plan and organise a typical construction process.
- Apply relevant techniques to the produce an operational plan for a typical business.
- Identify continuously review business improvements in facilities management.
- Plan, organize and execute continuous business improvements in facilities management.
- Identify and plan for strategies for business opportunities in facilities management.
- Plan and develop business opportunities better facilities management
- Plan the formulation a research specification using scientific approach
- Implement the research project within agreed specification.
- Demonstrate the research outcomes and recommend new knowledge.
- Demonstrate the research outcomes.
The course consists of 12 modules:
- Defects in Built Environment
- Facilities Management
- Managing of Equipment and Facilities
- Workplace Safety and Health Practice
- Green Engineering Design and Application
- Professions in Context
- Sustainable Practice
- Contracts and Procurement
- Surveying and Space Planning
- Operations Management
- Advanced Facilities Management
- Professional Practice Project
Module Synopsis
Defects in Built Environment
The aim of this Module is to provide learners the knowledge of building defects, and identify the type of defects in built environment. It also aims train students to detect, analyse, provide solutions and submit proposals and reports.
Module abstract
Learners will gain a good understanding of construction methods, modern and traditional, and building defects and be able to identify the approximate age of a building. Learners will develop essential skills including the ability to collect data, measure, document evidence, and investigate building defects. These skills will enable learners to produce a clear written report of the findings of a survey.
Learners will learn about modern equipment and latest technologies that are used to identify the building defects. Learners will learn to suggest common methods of rectifying any defects found. How new materials and technology has emerge from time to time to solve building defects will also be addressed
The Module will give learners an understanding of the role and responsibilities of building surveyors, including their interactions with other professionals. They will be able to apply their understanding to carry out building defect work and produce well-structured reports and associated schedules for low rise domestic and commercial buildings.
Facilities Management
The aim of this module is to develop understanding of facilities management within the context of an organisation such as residential, commercial and industrial.
Module abstract
This module gives learners the understanding required to be able to operate effectively in a facilities management business environment. The module examines the term 'facilities management' and the role of a facilities manager. Learners will develop an understanding of how facilities management fits within the structure of an organisation and the different ways in which facilities management services can be administered. On completion of this module learners will have a better general understanding of facilities management and be able to relate this knowledge to their own organisation and job role. This module looks at the functioning of facilities management as well as the effect of facilities management on the primary activities of an organisation.
Managing of Equipment and Facilities
This module provides learners with the knowledge of the properties, structural behaviour and use of construction materials. Learners will be able to identify and apply the skills needed to solve engineering problems using scientific principles.
Module abstract
This module introduces to scientific principles relevant to the study of construction and the built environment. It provides learners with a fundamental understanding of the properties and use of construction materials. This module has been designed to enable learners studying construction or civil engineering to explore scientific principles and the behaviour of materials used in the construction and built environment sector.
Workplace Safety and Health Practice
This module enable learners to appreciate health, safety and welfare legislation and policies are put into practice and monitor the effectiveness on health and safety in the built environment. Learners will draft risk assessments to counter health and safety issues in the built environment.
Module abstract
On completion of this module, learners will understand current health, safety and welfare legislation applicable to the construction and built environment sector. Learners will understand the main requirements of an effective health and safety policy and its successful implementation in the workplace.
Learners will be able to identify the hazards around the work place and assess the potential risk involved and implement the most appropriate control measures to prevent or mitigate ill health and injuries on site.
Learners will learn to appreciate the need to review, revise and monitor risk assessments.
Green Engineering Design and Application
This module provides learners with knowledge on engineering design and application for low energy building management system, use of clean and reusable energy, applications on motor driven mechanism such as electric vehicles and other transportations.
Module abstract
Green engineering is value added engineering that considers low energy consumption, recycling and reuse of materials resource, processes and sustainability to reduce pollution. Different types of energy resources, their optimal use and innovative substitutes be considered. The design and application of green engineering will be studied for areas of building management, motor driven machineries and industrial applications. The module gives an understanding on environmentally friendly and efficient mobility and how to provide solutions in future requirements. Student will also learn about uses of environmentally friendly, easily biodegradable fuels and sustainably generated, pollutant tested materials. The module will deal with creative ways to handle future energy needs.
Professions in Context
This module provides learners with a prospect to develop the skills needed to devise and implement a project scope, scheme of work, critically analyse and present the project.
Module abstract
This module will develop learners' skills in terms of identifying a realistic problem and able to propose a solution and as the ability to work collectively as a team. This module also facilitates the application of knowledge, understanding and skills developed in other modules to be applied to this project.
This module is designed to bring the learners together into teams so that they can coordinate their individual skills and abilities. The scheme of work should give individual learners an opportunity to take responsibility for their contribution to the outcome and exhibit their ability to work as a team.
Learners will also develop skills to carry out evaluations of their group project and be able to present solutions.
Sustainable Practice
To develop knowledge and understanding of managing sustainability and environmental issues.
Unit abstract
Concern for the environment is important. To avoid further depletion of our planet's natural resources we need to manage them responsibly. This unit aims to develop learners' understanding of sustainability and to acquire knowledge of possible ways of improving environmental awareness and using materials or equipment that can last longer and within their own organisation.
On completion of this unit learners will assess the environmental issues affecting their own organisation and know ways in which these issues can be managed. Learners will also gain a better understanding of the constraints and opportunities in making the buildings of their own organisation more environmentally friendly.
Contracts and Procurement
This module provides learners with the opportunity to gain knowledge of the roles, responsibilities and activities of the parties and organizations involved in contractual procedures and the procurement of building projects.
Module abstract
This module develops knowledge of the nature and purpose of the legal requirements and procurement arrangements are used in the construction and built environment sector.
Learners will gain knowledge of the parties and organisations involved in construction projects and how current issues and best practice are applied to the procurement of contracts. The varying available procurement arrangements will be considered throughout the design and construction cycle, from inception to completion of the contract. Learners will gain an understanding of the types of construction contracts in terms of time, cost, quality and supply chain management issues
Surveying and Space Planning
This unit aims to give learners knowledge of building surveyors and survey work and the skills required for performing building surveys and producing survey reports. It will also address knowledge and understanding of the effective management of space in an office, industrial and residential and commercial buildings.
Unit abstract
Learners will gain a good understanding of construction methods, modern and traditional, and building defects and be able to identify the approximate age of a building. They will develop essential skills including the ability to collect data, measure accurately, take photographs, use electronic surveying devices, produce drawings and investigate thoroughly the causes of building defects. These skills will enable learners to produce a clear written report of the findings of a survey. Learners will be able to suggest methods of rectifying any defects found. Learners will gain a good knowledge of health and safety in relation to visiting sites. The unit will give learners an understanding of the role and responsibilities of building surveyors, including their interactions with other professionals. This unit will also develop learners' understanding of space planning and to acquire knowledge of the tools and techniques available to assist with effective and efficient space management. On completion of this unit learners will know how to devise and implement a space planning project. Knowledge will be gained of the legislation that impact on the planning and management of space. Learners will be able to effectively interpret a space layout drawing and develop proposals for the optimisation of space utilisation.
Operations Management
To provide learners with an understanding of the role and importance of operations management. The main emphasis is on the efficiency and effectiveness on managing the entire operations in the built environment. It also covers strategies used, such as capacity planning, facilities location planning, aggregate planning and scheduling, as well as inventory management techniques and quality management.
Unit abstract
Operations management is the area of business activity concerned with the production of goods and services. It includes the responsibility of ensuring that all business/organisational operations are efficient in terms of minimising costs by using as few resources as possible, and effective in terms of maximising quality and meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the transformational processes that convert inputs (in the form of materials, labour and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and services). It is important therefore that learners seeking employment in the construction world realise that the 'proper' organisation of productive systems, and their interfaces with internal as well as external customers and suppliers, is essential if buildings are to be built on time, to cost and within the law.
Advanced Facilities Management
This unit aims to develop understanding of techniques used to effect continuous business improvement in the facilities management industry.
Unit abstract
The value of continuous business improvement is universally recognised both at an individual and at an organisational level. Techniques developed in the manufacturing industries (particularly from Japan) have been applied to service industries with good results. Continuous business improvement is a subject in its own right for which this unit forms a useful introduction.
Learners working in the field of facilities management can benefit greatly from the application of continuous business improvement techniques. This unit provides a good grounding of the understanding required in the selection and implementation of continuous business improvement techniques. This unit focuses on identifying areas for improvement as well as developing understanding to be able to successfully implement and monitor continuous improvement. On completion of this unit learners will be able to apply continuous improvement techniques in the workplace. Use of these techniques will help the learner to improve the efficiency of workplace operations resulting in cost savings and/or higher customer satisfaction.
Professional Practice Project
To develop learners' skills of independent enquiry and critical analysis by undertaking a continued research investigation of direct relevance to their Higher Education programme and professional development.
Module abstract
This module is designed to enable learners to gain confidence in using research techniques and methods. It addresses the elements that make up formal research including the proposal, a variety of research methodologies, action planning, carrying out the research and presenting the findings.
Learners must understand the theory that underpins formal research. The research itself will depend on learners, the context of their area of learning, their focus of interest and the anticipated outcomes. This module draws together a range of other information and knowledge of content from within the programme of study to form a holistic piece research work that will make a positive contribution to the learner's area of interest. Learners will be able to develop skills such independent learning and drawing conclusion from their work.
Graduate who wish to further their studies in this field may apply for a relevant programme/course offered by other institutions or universities. Admission is subjected to these institutions or universities entry requirement the point of application.
Academic Level:
- 'A' Level 3 subjects passes. English plus any other subjects or; a related Diploma from local Polytechnic or; other CPE registered PEI or equivalent (Diplomas from other countries) Minimum 21 years and above.
- Language Proficiency: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
Relevant Working Experience:
- Student with other diploma qualifications with minimum age of 23 years with at least 3 years working experience in relevant field. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will be done to analysis whether student has met the required skills to be admitted onto our Higher Diplomas.
- Working Experience: Matured students, of 30 years old with at least 8 years of working experience will be considered on an individual basis.
Job roles this course is suitable for:
Facilities Manager , Facilities Management Engineer , Assistant Facilities ManagerCourse Location
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