- Duration: Flexible
Course details
About The Course
The "1Z0-071: Oracle Db SQL Certified Associate: Practice Tests" course contains 3 complete tests (totalling to 219 questions).
The practice questions are categorised according to the official Oracle Exam Topics at the "Oracle Database SQL _ Oracle Certification Exam" page.
Each complete test (there are 3) has full coverage (100%) of the major categories.
The questions are about 5% easier than the real exam questions.
The questions are the best out there.
All the questions underwent thorough review to remove any traces of vagueness or inaccuracy.
What are the requirements?
- The student should have studied everything mentioned in the exam topics published by Oracle.
- The student should have done hands-on usage or practice of the SQL constructs mentioned in the exam topics published by Oracle.
What am I going to get from this course?
- If the student have a weakness on any topic (Knowledge Area, or Official Exam Category), they will be able to identify it. They can then restudy those topics.
- If the student is strong on some topics, he will be able to identify it. He will have more confidence on these topics.
- The student will be able to pass the "Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071" exam.
What is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to pass the "Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071" exam.
How To Pass The Test
- Study all the topics mentioned in the official Oracle list of exam topics.
- The exam has a lot of questions that are related to SQL statement syntax. It is almost necessary that you feel very comfortable (and fast) in evaluating statements and scenarios. This can be achieved by doing actual hands-on on the SQL commands and statements.
- Use the Practice Test 1 in this course. Follow the time limit. Do not extend over the time limit. This is so that you get the feel of the real test. Even if you havent answered all the questions, you must stop the test. You must do this to learn time management. You must monitor the time while taking the test, so that you will know if you are at the risk of reaching the time limit without processing all the questions. DO NOT TAKE THIS TEST MORE THAN ONCE. This test (and any practice test anywhere) is good only the first time. Of course, you can take it as many as you want. What is meant here, is that, it wouldnt be a realistic experience on your side, because you may have memorized some of the questions already. The score on your second try, would be misleading.
- Study EACH question in the result of your Practice Test 1 test. Know why the correct choices are correct, and why the wrong choices are wrong. This is what differs those who score high in the real test, and those who dont.
- Identify your weaknesses (topics or Knowledge Area that you scored low), and study them further.
- Repeat Step 3, 4 and 5 above, on the Practice Test 2.
- Unfortunately, there are only 2 tests. Hopefully, this is enough to help you pass the test. At this point, you should have identified your remaining weaknesses. Study them further.
- On the night before the test, sleep enough - e.g. at least 8 hours.
- On the day of the test
- If it is OK with you, take coffee or something similar, about 30 minutes before the test, to make you more alert during the real test.
- It is also observed that meditating for a few minutes before the test, helps clear your mind and become more receptive.
- Better take a less stressful path to the testing center. For example, take a taxi, instead of taking a bus or train, to avoid loading your mind with other things that you dont need in the test.
- Better schedule your test as the first thing in the day. For example, it is better to take it as the first thing in the morning, instead of going to work in the morning, and taking the test in the afternoon. You need energy in your body and clarity in your mind when taking the test.
Exam Topics
Official Oracle Exam Topics
[Oracle and Structured Query Language (SQL)][][]
[Oracle and Structured Query Language (SQL)][Identify the connection between an ERD and a Relational Database][]
[Oracle and Structured Query Language (SQL)][Explain the relationship between a database and SQL][]
[Oracle and Structured Query Language (SQL)][Describe the purpose of DDL][]
[Oracle and Structured Query Language (SQL)][Describe the purpose of DML][]
[Oracle and Structured Query Language (SQL)][Build a SELECT statement to retrieve data from an Oracle Database table][]
[Restricting and Sorting Data][][]
[Restricting and Sorting Data][Use the ORDER BY clause to sort SQL query results][]
[Restricting and Sorting Data][Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query][]
[Restricting and Sorting Data][Use ampersand substitution to restrict and sort output at runtime][]
[Restricting and Sorting Data][Use SQL row limiting clause][]
[Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output][][]
[Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output][Use various types of functions available in SQL][]
[Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output][Use character, number, and date and analytical (PERCENTILE_CONT, STDDEV, LAG, LEAD) functions in SELECT statements][]
[Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions][][]
[Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions][Describe various types of conversion functions that are available in SQL][]
[Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions][Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions][]
[Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions][Apply general functions and conditional expressions in a SELECT statement][]
[Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions][][]
[Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions][Describe the use of group functions][]
[Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions][Group data by using the GROUP BY clause][]
[Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions][Include or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause][]
[Displaying Data from Multiple Tables][][]
[Displaying Data from Multiple Tables][Describe the different types of joins and their features][]
[Displaying Data from Multiple Tables][Use SELECT statements to access data from more than one table using equijoins and nonequijoins][]
[Displaying Data from Multiple Tables][Join a table to itself by using a self-join][]
[Displaying Data from Multiple Tables][View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using outer joins][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Define subqueries][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Describe the types of problems subqueries can solve][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Describe the types of subqueries][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Query data using correlated subqueries][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Update and delete rows using correlated subqueries][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Use the EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Use the WITH clause][]
[Using Subqueries to Solve Queries][Use single-row and multiple-row subqueries][]
[Using the Set Operators][][]
[Using the Set Operators][Describe set operators][]
[Using the Set Operators][Use a set operator to combine multiple queries into a single query][]
[Using the Set Operators][Control the order of rows returned][]
[Manipulating Data][][]
[Manipulating Data][Truncate data][]
[Manipulating Data][Insert rows into a table][]
[Manipulating Data][Update rows in a table][]
[Manipulating Data][Delete rows from a table][]
[Manipulating Data][Control transactions][]
[Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables][][]
[Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables][Describe data types that are available for columns][]
[Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables][Create a simple table][]
[Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables][Create constraints for tables][]
[Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables][Drop columns and set column UNUSED][]
[Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables][Create and use external tables][]
[Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views][][]
[Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views][Query various data dictionary views][]
[Controlling User Access][][]
[Controlling User Access][Differentiate system privileges from object privileges][]
[Controlling User Access][Grant privileges on tables and on a user][]
[Controlling User Access][Distinguish between privileges and roles][]
[Managing Schema Objects][][]
[Managing Schema Objects][Describe how schema objects work][]
[Managing Schema Objects][Create simple and complex views with visible/invisible columns][]
[Managing Schema Objects][Create, maintain and use sequences][]
[Managing Schema Objects][Create and maintain indexes including invisible indexes and multiple indexes on the same columns][]
[Managing Schema Objects][Perform flashback operations][]
[Manipulating Large Data Sets][][]
[Manipulating Large Data Sets][Describe the features of multitable INSERTs][]
[Manipulating Large Data Sets][Merge rows in a table][]
Udemy Knowledge Areas (shortened version of Official Oracle Exam Topics, because Udemy limits the Knowledge Area to 60 characters)
[01.00][Oracle and ...(SQL)][]
[01.01][Oracle and ...(SQL)][...an ERD and a ... Database]
[01.02][Oracle and ...(SQL)][...between a database and SQL]
[01.03][Oracle and ...(SQL)][Describe the purpose of DDL]
[01.04][Oracle and ...(SQL)][Describe the purpose of DML]
[01.05][Oracle and ...(SQL)][Build a SELECT statement]
[02.00][Restricting and Sorting Data][]
[02.01][Restricting and Sorting Data][Use the ORDER BY...]
[02.02][Restricting and Sorting Data][Limit the rows...]
[02.03][Restricting and Sorting Data][Use ampersand...]
[02.04][Restricting and Sorting Data][...row limiting...]
[03.00][...Single-Row Functions...][]
[03.01][...Single-Row Functions...][...various...]
[03.02][...Single-Row Functions...][...analytical ...]
[05.00][...Group Functions]
[05.01][...Group Functions][...use of group functions]
[05.02][...Group Functions][...GROUP BY clause]
[05.03][...Group Functions][...HAVING clause]
[06.00][...Multiple Tables]
[06.01][...Multiple Tables][...types of joins...]
[06.02][...Multiple Tables][...equijoins and nonequijoins]
[06.03][...Multiple Tables][...self-join]
[06.04][...Multiple Tables][...outer joins]
[07.01][...Subqueries...][Define subqueries]
[07.02][...Subqueries...][...types of problems...]
[07.03][...Subqueries...][...types of subqueries]
[07.04][...Subqueries...][...correlated subqueries]
[07.05][...Subqueries...][Update...using correlated...]
[07.06][...Subqueries...][...EXISTS and NOT EXISTS...]
[07.07][...Subqueries...][Use the WITH clause]
[07.08][...Subqueries...][...single-row and multiple-row...]
[08.00][...Set Operators]
[08.01][...Set Operators][Describe...]
[08.02][...Set Operators][...combine...queries...]
[08.03][...Set Operators][...order of rows...]
[09.00][Manipulating Data]
[09.01][Manipulating Data][Truncate data]
[09.02][Manipulating Data][Insert...]
[09.03][Manipulating Data][Update...]
[09.04][Manipulating Data][Delete...]
[09.05][Manipulating Data][Control transactions]
[10.01][...DDL...][...data types...]
[10.03][...DDL...][Create constraints...]
[10.04][...DDL...][Drop columns and...UNUSED]
[10.05][...DDL...][...external tables]
[11.00][...Data Dictionary Views]
[11.01][...Data Dictionary Views][Query...views]
[12.00][...User Access]
[12.01][...User Access][...system....privileges]
[12.02][...User Access][Grant privileges...]
[12.03][...User Access][...privileges...roles]
[13.00][...Schema Objects]
[13.01][...Schema Objects][...how...objects work]
[13.02][...Schema Objects][Create.views...]
[13.03][...Schema Objects][Create...sequences]
[13.04][...Schema Objects][Create...indexes...]
[13.05][...Schema Objects][...flashback...]
[14.00][...Large Data Sets]
[14.01][...Large Data Sets][...multitable INSERTs]
[14.02][...Large Data Sets][Merge rows...]
The 2 sets correspond exactly to each other. The 2nd one is just a shortened name (due to the 60-character limit in Udemy, for the Knowledge Area text).
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