Course details
No formal qualifications are required. However, all modules are taught at university level and students should be able to read, write and speak English fluently. Students new to psychology will benefit from undertaking some preparatory reading as detailed below.
To introduce the basic concepts and theories within positive psychology, and to critically review its evidence base.
This module introduces basic models and concepts of positive psychology, including:
• History of the study of positive human experience.
• Humanistic psychology and its current status in psychology
• The study of happiness; definitions, correlates and measurement
• Core concepts in positive psychology: Flow, Hope, Optimism, Gratitude
• Positive perspectives on the Self: self-esteem and self-efficacy
• Applications of positive psychology for eg: mental health and counselling; business and organisations.
• Methods and research in positive psychology
• Discuss applications within the students' own lives.
• Support and develop students' study skills.
• Support students to take part in the assessment process.
• Build students' confidence in presenting their own ideas and in critical thinking.
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
• Demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of basic concepts and models of positive psychology
• Give a critical account of the evidence and research base for positive psychology
• Demonstrate an awareness of the range of applications of positive psychology
• Demonstrate critical and independent thinking about the material covered.
• Demonstrate an appropriate awareness of cultural considerations in the evaluation of theory and research.
• Successfully plan and write essays or other assignments which have been set to support their learning on this course.
• Identify the ethical issues when conducting psychological research (with particular consideration of harm).
• Think critically about the subjects covered.
• Present your own ideas about issues addressed on the course.
In this course we will explore the following areas and issues in the light of the models and
research findings of positive psychology:
• What are the roots of positive psychology? Philosophical and historical origins of the study of positive human experience
• Humanistic psychology and its current status in psychology. The contributions of Maslow, Rogers and Rollo May
• The study of happiness; how can happiness be defined? How can it be measured? What does it correlate with? Can we identify the 'causes' of happiness?
• Flow: the study of 'optimal experience'. Flow is the name given to an exact match between our capacities and the demands of the current situation. The causes and consequences of Flow.
• Hope & Optimism: positive thinking and the power of expectations. How powerful is positive thinking? How realistic is it to be optimistic?
• Wisdom: how has wisdom been studied? Does wisdom differ from intelligence? What re the characteristics of the 'wise' person?
• The positive personality; what are the character strengths and how can 'virtue' and virtuous living contribute to the good life?
• Positive perspectives on the Self: the nature and causes of self-esteem; self-efficacy and beliefs in the self. How important is self esteem to effective living?
• Applications of positive psychology for eg: mental health and counselling; business and organisations.
Updated on 22 November, 2018Course Location
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