English for Health and OET Preparation Intensive English Language Institute
Price: AED 1,043
  • Location: Adelaide
  • Duration: 1 Week

    Course details

    IELI is an OET Premium Preparation Provider and our course has been endorsed by OET. For over ten years, IELI has been at the forefront of OET education in Adelaide, running comprehensive and informative classes that aim to thoroughly prepare students for testing day. IELI staff are highly experienced and have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the test material, enabling them to give invaluable feedback in:

    • Writing
    • Speaking
    • Reading 
    • listening.

    Updated on 27 May, 2019

    About Intensive English Language Institute

    IELI provides high quality English language training to help students improve all aspects of their English language skills. At our school, students study in two separate classes – Reading & Writing and Listening & Communication. Students can be placed in different levels for their different classes. This means, for example, that if your speaking is better than your writing, you will be placed in a higher level class for Listening & Communication than for Reading & Writing. This way, you can challenge yourself to improve in your strong areas and get some extra help to improve in your weak areas.

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