Hi, i am looking for any course that can help me get a job in Hotels. Which course do you recommend me?

Hospitality // سؤال طرحه Josefina | Sep 28, 2017

2 Answers
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  • Bright Future Computer Training- Sep 28, 2017 - 1pm

    Dear Josefina,
    Greetings !!
    You can enroll for "Hospitality Management "program. We have various programs to offer under one department. Our program is a blend of theory, practical and professionalism. This enables the candidate to have the required skill set and management capability to provide immediate value to an employer.
    The programs includes free hotel internship training with star hotels. Hence, enables you in finding a good job as per your preferred department. 
    All our exclusive programs are approved by KHDA ( Ministry of education, Dubai) 


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  • Bright Future Computer Training- Oct 18, 2017 - 5pm


    Greetings from BFTI.

    You need to take basic hospitality management if you dont have any experience related to hospitality. If you do have, you can take advance tourism and hospitality management.

    Mr. Michael
    Business Develepment Executive
    Bright Future Training Institute

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