عن معهد Ballina Further Education Centre

The National Adult Literacy Agency is an independent charity committed to making sure people with literacy and numeracy difficulties can fully take part in society and have access to learning opportunities that meet their needs. According to the last international survey, one in six Irish adults has problems reading and writing.

Since They Theyre set up by volunteers, They have been a leading campaigning and lobbying force on adult literacy issues. They have been involved with tutor training, developing teaching materials, distance education services, policy making, research and campaigns to raise awareness of the causes, extent and responses to adult literacy difficulties in Ireland.

Many inpiduals and organisations have contributed considerably to adult literacy work in Ireland. For our part, They have put literacy on the political agenda and secured funding for the provision of adult literacy services. Currently there are 54,000 adults attending ETB adult literacy courses nationwide. This service is delivered by 1,500 paid tutors and over 2,400 volunteers.

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12 courses available

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