- مدة الدورة التدريبية: 5 Days
تفاصيل الدورة
Objectives:By the end of this programme you will be able to:
- Demonstrate innovative methods for harnessing others' creative potential
- Communicate your vision in refreshing and engaging ways
- Define the concepts of 'strategy' and 'strategic plans'
- Understand and explain visionary thinking as part of the strategic process and apply strategic planning to your own management issues
- Place your own part of the organisation within the overall context of corporate strategy
- Gain confidence in managing your own contribution to strategic implementation
Module I
- Leading Creatively
Creative Problem-Solving
- Leadership Reality Assessment
- Leadership Vs Management
- Understanding Our Brain Function
- Myths of Creativity
- The limitations of the rational
- Divergent approaches to problem-solving
- Letting go of logic
- Analogous thinking modes
- Convergent and divergent modes
Overcoming Personal Blockers to Creativity
- Sigmoid Curve - Lifecycle Model
- Continuous Improvement
- Breakthrough step change
- Self-awareness and the nature of the ego
- Personal goal alignment
- Adaption and innovation: personal preferences for creating meaning
- Exploring attitudes to risk
- Left- and right-brain thinking
Developing the Vision Creatively
- Six thinking hats
- Using differing thinking styles
- JoHari's window
- The business plan process & creating a vision
- Harnessing the power of the team
- Organisational culture and its influence on innovation
- Letting go of the ego
- Working with different creative preferences
Communicating the Vision Creatively
- The 7 Step Creative Process
- Models of communication
- Viral visioning
- Authenticity and trust
- Creativity tools, techniques & strategy
- Letting go of the vision
- Leading without directing
- Possible leadership beliefs
From Ideas to Action: Creativity and Change
- Motivation - Hierarchy of Needs
- Overcoming organisational barriers to creativity and change
- Nurturing a learning environment
- Is Money a motivator?
- Personality Profiling
- Building a creative consensus
- Engaging stakeholders creatively
- Influencing and motivating through change
Module II
- Strategy & Strategic Planning
Strategic Thinking and Business Analysis
- What are strategy and strategic planning?
- Why are strategy and strategic planning important?
- What are the main conceptual frameworks?
- External analysis - understanding and analysing business attractiveness - macro environmental factors, growth drivers, competitive forces, market dynamics
- Benchmarking your own strategic position/competitor analysis
- Analysing customers
- "Thinking backwards from the customer"
- Mini-case on importance of external analysis
Internal Analysis and Fusion of Analyses into Strategic Options
- The interface of external and internal analysis
- Internal analysis: financial
- Internal analysis; non-financial
- The concept and practicalities of the "balanced scorecard"
- Diagnosing strategic problems and opportunities
- Fusion of analyses into strategic choices - SWOT and the strategy matrix
- Case examples of strategic choice
- Mini-case on importance of internal analysis
Strategic Plans and the Relevance of Alliances and Joint Ventures
- Review of the tools used so far
- The content of a strategy: avoiding "paralysis by analysis"
- Putting a strategic plan together - the 5-page framework
- A real-life example of a business strategy/strategic plan
- Strategies for alliances and joint ventures
- Example of best practice in alliances and joint ventures
- Introduction and briefing for the main case study
- First-phase group work on the main case study
Global Strategy, Teambuilding and the Management of Internal Communication
- The essence of globalization and global strategy
- Globalization - the strategic dimension
- Globalization - the organizational dimension
- Globalization - the human dimension
- How to build and manage a strategic planning team
- Communicating strategy through the organization
- Gaining your team's commitment and buy-in to the strategy
- Second-phase work on the main case study
Strategic Implementation and Getting the Value Out of Strategy
- Final-phase work on the main case study
- Group presentations of the main case study
- Effective execution - converting strategic analysis and planning into action
- Linking strategy with operational objectives
- Implementation - getting practical things done
- Strategic planning of your own career
- Creating tomorrow's organization out of today's organization
- Conclusion - the corporate and individual value of strategic thinking
نبذة عن معهد Global Development for Training
يحتل التدريب درجة كبيرة من الأهمية لمديري المؤسسات المختلفة، حيث يعتبر التدريب وسيلة فعالة في رفع كفاءة الموظف في جميع مراحل عمله وتنمية قدراته ومهاراته وتزويده بمعلومات جديدة، وعنصراً مؤثراً في عملية ترقية الموظف وتوليه سلطات ومسئوليات أكبر..
ولقد شهدت السنوات العشـرون الأخيرة تحولاً كبيراً في علم التدريب وأصبحت المعرفة المبينة على العلم هي السبيل الوحيد للتطور والتنمية .
إن الحاجه للمعرفة المبنية على المعلومات الحديثة والدقيقة أصبح هو الآن مقياس الثروة الجديدة ، وكل هذا يتطلب نوع متميز من التعليم و التدريب المتواصل مدى الحياة للحصول على المعرفة وتحديثها بصفة مستمرة ومن هذا المنطلق كانت هاماً جداً إنشاء مركز التطوير العالمي للتدريب .
التأسيس :
تأسس التطوير العالمي للتدريب بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة عام 2010رخصه رقم 91288إمارةدبي ، وذلك لتقديم الخدمات التدريبية والإستشارية وتطوير الموظفين بأحدث طرق التدريب في العالم وبما يتلائم مع السوق العالمي حيث تلبي كافة المتطلبات الإستراتيجية للأسواق العالمية في بيئة مبنية على المعرفة الحديثة ومن خلال أفضل مدربي التنمية البشرية في الوطن العربي والعالم ، لذا وضعت أهدافه للوصول لأعلى مستوى من الجودة والإبداع والتنمية المتميّزه لدى العملاء والمشاركين .
الرؤية :
أن يكون التطوير العالمي للتدريب من أفضل المراكز العالمية التي تقوم بتأهيل وتدريب قيادات وموظفي الوطن العربي بأحدث أساليب التدريب بالعالم .
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