Operational Risk Management
السعر: 14,672 درهم

    تفاصيل الدورة

    Day One
    Risk identification tools and emerging risks

    · Tools and techniques for risk identification
    · Risk register: a list
    · Risk connectivity: network of risks
    · World economic forum: risk map
    · Emerging risks
    Implementing ORM: the invisible framework
    · Governance of Operational Risk
    · 1st line and 2d line: The partnership model
    · Use and reuse: The Invisible Framework
    · Business value of ORM
    Day Two
    Risk reporting and Conduct reporting

    · Modern issues on events and risk reporting: the regulator's view
    · Analyzing operational risk data: get insight, tell a story
    · Management information: the "reporting cake"
    · Aggregate and escalate risk information: your options
    · Conduct reporting: themes and details
    Implementing the Desired Risk Culture: a method
    · Defining Risk Culture
    · Acting on behaviours: the Influencer 
    · Necessary conditions: willingness and ability
    · Risk Culture: DESIRE steps: Define, Inspire, Support, Enable, Reinforce, Evaluate
    · Assessing the risk culture
    Day Three
    Defining Risk Appetite statements and tolerance limits

    · Industry guidance on Risk Appetite
    · Risk appetite, tolerance, risk limits and controls
    · Templates and options for actionable Risk Appetite 
    · Risk Appetite Statements: Features and Examples
    · Cascading Risk Appetite: RCSA & Indicators
    · KRI and risks limits 
    Internal Controls: Human Error and Control Design
    · Slips and mistakes: Typology and causes of human errors
    · HRA: Human Reliability Analysis and other methods
    · Understand and treat the causes of human error
    · Effective or Illusory controls
    · Prevention by Design
    Day Four
    Root causes analysis

    · Root cause analysis: tool and method
    · Benefits of root cause analysis:
    · Treating causes over symptoms
    · Bow-tie: a most effective tool to define:
    *    Preventive and corrective controls
    *    Leading KRIs
    *    Risk likelihood and expected impact
    · Features and types of leading KRIs 
    · Features of leading KRIs
    · KRI, KPI, KCI: definitions and ;
    · A typology of Key Risks indicators
    Day Five
    Cyber threats and information security 

    · Cyber threat landscape
    · An old emerging risk
    · Key controls in cyber security
    · Physical and behavioural measures
    · Priorities in prevention
    · Lessons learnt from some incidents
    Scenario Analysis: Governance, Stress testing and Assessment methods
    · Four dimensions of stress-testing
    · Steps and governance of scenario analysis
    · Tackling behavioral biases in scenario assessment
    · Industry practices and lists of scenarios
    · Assessing probabilities of rare events
    · Acting on Scenario Analysis
    Reorganisation risk and project management 
    · Risk due to changes and reorganisations 
    · The trap of cost-cutting
    · Invisible opportunity costs
    · Essentials of project risk management
      تحديث بتاريخ 16 May, 2024


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    وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

    Operations Manager , Risk Manager , operational risk manager

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