تفاصيل الدورة

Day 1
Fundamentals of mergers and acquisitions

· Distinction between mergers and acquisitions
· Why do acquisitions take place?
                > Diversification
                > Consolidation
· The main distinct stages of acquisitions
                > Corporate strategy development
                > Organizing for acquisitions
                > Deal structuring and negotiations
                > Post-acquisition integration
                > Post-acquisition audit
Day 2
Structuring the merger or acquisition

· Drafting preliminary documents
                > Heads of terms - legally binding?
                > Confidentiality agreement
                > Lockout/exclusivity agreements
· How to structure the acquisition
                > Share sale
                > Business sale
                > Hive down of the business followed by share sale
Share sale versus business sale
· Advantages and disadvantages of share sale: seller versus buyer
                 > Transactions
                 > Third Party consent
                 > Stamp Duty
                 > Liabilities
                 > Avoiding TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings,
                    Protection of Employment)
                 > Warranties
· Advantages and disadvantages of business sale: seller versus buyer
Day 3
Structuring the deal

· How to price the acquisition
· The due diligence process
                > Objectives
                > Structure
                > Scope
· The purchase agreements
                > Asset Purchase Agreement versus Share Purchase Agreement
· Importance of warranties and indemnities
                > Effects of breach
                > How to minimize claims
· Contractual protection for the seller
· Disclosure letter
· Intellectual property and environmental issues
· Merger control and completion
  تحديث بتاريخ 16 May, 2024


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وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

CEO , Managing Director , General Manager
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