تفاصيل الدورة

This course assumes that you want to have a successful, enjoyable career that keeps you pleasantly stretched and interested.

Part of the price of success is coping with the pressure of competing demands

just as you must cope with the stresses and pressures your organization experiences as it struggles to change, survive and thrive in this fast-changing world.

Good pressure management is therefore critically important for career success.

Stress is one of the greatest constraints on Managerial/Employee and Personal efficiency and productivity.

The purpose of this course is to help you

  • Work more effectively under pressure and increase performance at work and life.
  • Perform successfully, healthily and happily under the pressures that inevitably come from life, living and working.

The techniques that this programme teaches will help you to;

  • Thrive in and enjoy challenging jobs
  • Understand where things can go wrong and plan to fix them
  • Think more clearly
  • Make better and more productive decisions
  • Live and work harmoniously with the people around you
  • Work with powerful people to mutual advantage
  • Change environment to eliminate accumulations of stressful events
  • Understand negative thoughts and emotions like self-criticism, anxiety and fear- learning how to challenge these and turn them around to be sources of rational positive thinking.
  • Build buffers against stress that will help you in life and work These will also promote health & wellbeing.

This programme is for you if:

  • You find that there are work situations that cause you more problems than you know they should.
  • Worries wake you up in the middle of the night or keep you from sleeping.
  • You have difficulty concentrating.
  • You have less energy…..are tired all the time.
  • You have recurring health problems e.g. lower backache, headaches, blood pressure, mood swings, colds/flu like symptoms.
  • You feel overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities.
  • You feel uneasy or have guilty feeling when relaxing.
  • You are spending more and more hours at work.
  • You haven’t enough time in the day to do all that you want /need to do.
  • You know you could be much better at all you do if only you could get out of your own way.
  • You realize that your communication style needs to become more effective.
  • ‘Working & Managing Under Pressure’.

This Programme contains:-

One full Training Day.

combined with

Home work- the participants complete work between sessions.

Mentoring – to put into immediate use the skills developed.

Follow-up ongoing for 12 months (no additional charge) – to encourage the transfer of learning and re-engage the skills developed for significant and lasting impact.

Unique Approach

This programme is more than a training programme, it is a highly interactive process involving guided self-assessment which results in practical solutions that work and are uniquely relevant to each individual :- ‘It is your programme.’

Gráinne O’ Reilly affords each person considerable time & attention to get meaningful and personalised feedback. She works in an enabling and inspiring way to get people to proceed through a carefully personalized strategic approach to Stress Management.

Gráinne also works with a heavy emphasis on providing practical, lasting and long-term solutions which will be in place long after her work is finished. She is emphatic about the necessity for good and well directed follow-up to any work done and maintains contact with clients for extended periods to guide them through the application of what they have learned.

As Stress is personal and individual (‘what is a delight for one may be distressing for another person’) this programme is conducted in 0ne-to-one & class-room style with no interaction between participants i.e. We do not use group discussions, or role-play as part of the training.

This course takes a complete approach to pressure, stress and health. It includes proven stress relievers e. breathing techniques, Bach remedies, Organisational skills, time management and visualisation techniques. It is specifically tailored to each individual who attends this course

Gráinne O’ Reilly M.A.(Keele)., B.Psych.(UCG).,H.D.E.(UCG).,Dip.IPD(UL).,MISMA

Consultant Corporate Psychologist.

تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

نبذة عن معهد Carlow Kilkenny Skillnet

We_They was established in January 1999 by a number of Senior Managers in organisations in the Carlow Kilkenny area. Initial discussions showed that the organisations shared common training problems, namely,

  • Access to information on courses / training, and new technologies available for training purposes
  • Sourcing training programmes
  • Finding courses that were relevant to the specific needs of each organisation
  • The location of available courses

By working together, these organisations have developed new, low cost, customised, and locally based solutions for their management and staff.

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