تفاصيل الدورة
Skills YouWill Learn
- Understand the relationship between manifestation and mindfulness
- Release traumatic memories
- Know what true freedom is
- Overcome "worst case scenario" thinking
- Integrate utilitarian mindfulness skills into your life
- Work with your mental diet to promote peace of mind
- Apply the "Quality of Mind Continuum"
- Improve youremotional regulation skills
- Understand therelationship between thinking and emotion
- Be inthe place of "relaxed clarity"
- Effectively navigate through this
… + المزيد
تفاصيل الدورة
Skills YouWill Learn
- Understand the relationship between manifestation and mindfulness
- Release traumatic memories
- Know what true freedom is
- Overcome "worst case scenario" thinking
- Integrate utilitarian mindfulness skills into your life
- Work with your mental diet to promote peace of mind
- Apply the "Quality of Mind Continuum"
- Improve youremotional regulation skills
- Understand therelationship between thinking and emotion
- Be inthe place of "relaxed clarity"
- Effectively navigate through this complex culture
- Confidently observe, assess and "reboot" your thinking
- Utilize specific skills to help you sleep better at night
The requirements are simple - aninternet connection and an open mind. No matter if you are just curious aboutwhat mindfulness is or you have been practicing for years, this course is created for you.
Mindfulness is more than meditation. It is a way of life. It can beattainedthrough bothmeditation AND practical skills.
By learning how to incorporate an overall mindful perspective in your life, you willincrease your overall physical, mentaland spiritual health.
Would you like to sleep better at night and make better decisions during the day? Then this class is for you.This course will empower you with cutting edgemindfulness skills that Lamont has developed. Through lectures, activities and quizzes, you willlearn how tofind your purpose and steeryour life in the direction of your dreams. This course will train you toeffectivelyutilize the power of your mind.
Dowantto improve your life? Lamont hasworked with many people over the years. Those whointegrate this work into their daily lifehave experienceddramatic changes in their overall wellbeing.
LetLamontbe your guide to the Art of Mindful Living. He isa Tai Chi Instructor, Licensed Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Educator and Theorist. Check out thisInnovative and One Of A Kind Course.
- Reduce Stress Response
- Increase Equanimity
- Understand the Challenges Faced in Daily Life
- Increase Overall Awareness
- Deepen Your Ability to BE Present
- Navigate Life with Ease
- Increase Compassion for the Human Condition
- Recognize andAvoid Old MentalHabit Traps
- Relax Your Mind on Command
- Develop a Mindfulness Skills Toolbox Within
- Build Willpower
- Clarity for Decision Making
- Experience Increased Mental, Physical andEmotional Health
- Increased Quality of Sleep
NOTE TO THERAPISTS: This course has been developed through my personal experience with both clients and students over the last 20 years.The toolsthatI share have proven to be effective.Please take the time to check out these methods. I am alsoworking on continuing ed material for you.Thank you.
تحديث بتاريخ 14 November, 2018 - أقل