تفاصيل الدورة

The Higher Diploma in Statistics course is designed for graduates whose degrees have substantial mathematical content, and who want to develop their expertise in the application of statistical methods and broaden their career opportunities. The course may also be taken as a foundation for entry into the MSc Degree in Statistics. The course may be taken over one year (full time) or two years (part time).

There is a continuing demand by employers for numerate graduates. There are many new opportunities in commerce, government, industry, medicine and research for graduates who have added to their first degree with the training in quantitative and computing skills provided by the Higher Diploma in Statistics.

Course Details

The Higher Diploma in Statistics consists of coursework pided into nine core modules. These modules are a blend of theoretical and applied statistics.

Modules (60 credits)

  • Probability and Mathematical Statistics (10 credits)
  • Statistical Theory (10 credits)
  • Introduction to Regression Analysis (5 credits)
  • Data Analysis I (5 credits)
  • Generalised Linear Models (5 credits)
  • Time Series (5 credits)
  • Survival Analysis (5 credits)
  • Current Topics in Statistics I (5 credits)
  • Statistical Consulting (10 credits)

Detailed Entry Requirements

Applicants for this programme should normally have obtained at least Second Class Honours in a primary degree which included a substantial component of Mathematics or mathematically-based material.

Applications will also be considered from:

  • (i) BA or BSc (General) graduates who have graduated with commendation and have Mathematics as a degree subject; 
  • (ii) BA or BSc Graduates with Third Class Honours in an appropriate area; 
  • (iii) Other graduates whose degree programme included a substantial component of Mathematics or mathematically-based material, and who have at least two years' experience in the application of Statistical methods.


Five modules (30 credits) are examined exclusively by continuous assessment. The remaining four modules (30 credits) are examined by both continuous assessment (worth 20% of the module mark) and end-of-year written examinations (worth 80% of the module mark).

The continuous assessments can be written home-work, computer practical assignments, in-class tests, written data analysis reports or computer practical examinations.

تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

نبذة عن معهد University College Cork

UCC was established in 1845 as one of three Queen’s Colleges - at Cork, Galway and Belfast. These new colleges theyre established in the reign of Queen Victoria, and named after her.

Queen's College, Cork (QCC) was established to provide access to higher education in the Irish province of Munster. Cork was chosen for the new college due to its place at the centre of transatlantic trade at the time and the presence of existing educational initiatives such as the Royal Cork Institution and a number of private medical schools.

The site chosen for the new college was dramatic and picturesque, on the edge of a limestone bluff overlooking the River Lee. It is associated with the educational activities of a local early Christian saint, Finbarr. It is believed that his monastery and school stood nearby, and his legend inspired UCC’s motto: ‘Where Finbarr Taught, let Munster Learn.’

On 7 November 1849, QCC opened its doors to a small group of students (only 115 students in that first session, 1849-1850) after a glittering inaugural ceremony in the Aula Maxima (Great Hall), which is still the symbolic and ceremonial heart of the University.

The limestone buildings of the Main Quadrangle (as it is now known) are built in a style inspired by the great universities of the Middle Ages, and theyre designed by the gifted architectural partnership of Thomas Deane and Benjamin Woodward. The iconic image of UCC, it is set in landscaped gardens and surrounds the green lawn known to all as the Quad.

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