تفاصيل الدورة
*Course Went Live: May 2015. Last Update: December 2016 *
*Full Python Apps, Quizzes, Coding Exercises and Final Projectare included *
Beforeyou read what I have to say, see what my students are saying about mycourses:
"Whatan incredible value and learning experience!" bySean A.
"Excellentmaterial. Kudos to a great instructor with a vast level ofcreativity." byAnthony W.
"Ican say this man is going on smoothly and perfectly, explaining inthe most empirical/foundational way." by KolapoA.
***Why would you take this course? ***
Doyou want to becomea Python Developer withouthaving to spend a lot of money on books and boring theoreticalcourses?
Areyou a network professional who wants to startautomating network tasks usingPython?
Ormaybe you're seekinga raise oreven acareer change?
Jointhousands of successful students who have decided to learn Python,upgrade their networking skills and boost their careers using this100% hands-on course!
***What's this course all about? ***
Pythonnetwork programming (v2.7.3) course aimed not only at networkprofessionals, but at anyone having little or no experience in codingor network automation and a great desire to startlearning Python from scratch.This hands-on Python Network Programming training takesyou from "HelloWorld!" tocomplex network applications in less than 15 hours.
Duringthis course you will learn Python concepts which are relevant to yournetworking job and buildsome amazing network tools usingPython:
Python App#1: Subnet calculator.
Python App#2: Configuring multiple network devices concurrently via SSH or Telnet.
Python App#3: DHCP client simulator for testing a DHCP server in the local network.
Python App#4: Collecting information from routers and storing it in a MySQL database.
Python App#5: OSPF network discovery via SNMP. Building the OSPF topology.
Python App#6: Basic network sniffer.
Python App#7: Configuration file comparator.
Soundsunbelievable given your current programming experience? Well, it'strue! How?
First,you will learn and practice every Python key concept, which isexplained in one or more video lectures, followed by a short quiz.Each video is filled with relevant examples, in a learn-by-doingfashion andthe quizzes willhelp you consolidate the main ideas behind each Python topic.
Afterlaying the foundation (and also exploring some advanced Pythontopics), you will dive right into the real-lifenetwork scenarios andapply your knowledge to build 7great network tools usingthe power of Python.
Equippedwith working files, network topologies and Pythoncode samples (in.txt and .py formats),you will be able to work alongside me on each lecture and eachapplication. I will provide a virtual machine with all the Pythonmodules already installed and also the fullcode for each application,so you can savetime and start coding and testing onthe spot.
Wewill use emulated routers in GNS3 to testour Python apps in a network environment,so you can see the actual results of running your Python code. Youneed to find yourself a Cisco IOS image (from Cisco's officialwebsite - contract required) to load into GNS3 or practice all theconcepts on real network devices you have at your job/home.
Iencourage you to learn Python, an amazinglybeginner-friendly programming language andtake your (networking) job to a higherlevel of automation.
***Is this course regularly updated? ***
UpdateDec 17, 2016: Added: Section22: What's Next?
UpdateOct 12, 2016:Added: Video lecture: Asking For Help
UpdateAug 27, 2016: Added: The"Python 2 vs. 3" Debate: FAQ
UpdateMay 1, 2016: Massivecourse refresh. Improved Linux VM. New content. Newsections. Python 3.x section added. Other fixes based onstudent feedback.
UpdateDec 4, 2015: Added:Video lecture: Web Access Basics with Python: requests | FAQ lecturein Section 1
UpdateNov 2, 2015: Added:Video lectures: Sockets: Server and Sockets: Client | Text and CodeSamples: Socket Server Code and Socket Client Code
UpdateOct 27, 2015: Added:Video lecture: Quick Insight To Get You Warmed Up!
UpdateOct 19, 2015: Added:Text lecture for troubleshooting VirtualBox and GNS3
UpdateSep 24, 2015: Added: Application#7 - Configuration file comparator
UpdateSep 23, 2015: Added: Application#6 - Basic network sniffer
UpdateSep 18, 2015: Added:Video lecture: Decorators
UpdateSep 2, 2015: Added:Video lecture: Itertools
UpdateAug 7, 2015: Added:VirtualBox and Virtual Machines - Short Guide
UpdateAug 1, 2015: Added:Video lecture: Python Iterators and Generators
UpdateJuly 1, 2015: Added:Flow diagram for each application | Video lecture: How To Install aNew Python Module | 3 new quizzes.
UpdateJune 16, 2015: Added:Project for building a small Python network application | Videolecture to answer a student question | Video lecture to show how canstudents interact with me.
UpdateJune 10, 2015: Added: 100Python exercises and answers.
***What others have to say about this course? ***
"Ihave been programming since 1978 and wanted to learn python. I havehad no java or OOP experience, and I tried several 'paper' tutorialsbut got little out of them. The first part of this course is a steadywalk through the Python language at just the right speed. Theinstructor seems to touch all the basis in a logical and methodicalway while providing examples and explanations. I can only concludethe instructor is a professional educator who spent considerable timestructuring and organizing the course. The result is evident. THIS ISA GREAT WAY TO LEARN PYTHON!" byLarry Laswell
"I'vetried learning from the books & multiple videos - most were toobasic to make a practical app. Some books were too thick and made mesleep. But still none of the materials had the perfect balance likethis course where all the basics were covered, instructions wereconcise, and Mihai walks you through how to create 7 practical appsstep by step. I've also tried reading some advanced python book whichdidn't make sense because it was too advanced. Let me tell you, thisis hands down "that course that takes you up to beyond thebasics" to bridge you to the advance topics. Right now I'mhitting the advanced topics and it finally makes sense..." byJoon Park
"UsuallyI'm not doing courses review but this time I will make an exception.During time I took a lot of trainings but very few provided by Udemyproved as having the right approach in teaching the audience. I willmark this one as being one of my personal top three best trainings ascontent's quality, technical explanations, and additional learningmaterials perspective. Long story short this course is a very simple,straight forward way of learning Python for managing IT networks." byJohnny Stanescu
"Thisis a great course for network engineers who would like to startautomating their tasks. Geared towards beginners, this course teachesthe fundamentals of programming and applying those concepts tonetworking. There is a lot of fluff about python on the internet,however the instructor managed to put together the necessaryinformation to start automating the network. A working knowledge ofTCP/IP is needed to get the most out of this course. Should youunderstand every lecture, you will be ready to start writing your ownscripts according to your needs. In particular, I loved the use ofscapy, an amazing tool which should be in the arsenal of anyoneworking with TCP/IP." byCostin-Alin Neacsu
"I'veseen the blueprint and some demo videos and I was convinced rightaway. Without a doubt, it's one of the best trainings a networkengineer can have. It gives you actual valuable and marketable skillsthat you can use in your daily job. Mihai explains the topics reallywell, with practical examples making it a fun way to learn. Highlyrecommended." byVlad Vlaicu
Over25.000 satisfied students areenrolled in my Python Network Programming courses across theWeb:
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The average course rating is above 4.5 / 5.
***Important information before you enroll! ***
In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!
Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!
You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course.
I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.
Check out the curriculum and FREE PREVIEW lectures for a quick insight.
EnrollNOW andhop on the Python network programming train. Let's get started!
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