تفاصيل الدورة

Understanding the pumping system and terminology, pumping elements, factors specifying and selection of the pumps , installation of pumping system and alignment and its importance in saving a breakdown of the pumping system, and various parameters involved in pumping system, understanding the various monitoring parameters and its effect on pumping system, constructional classification  and maintaining the pumping system.

Day -1   
  • Defining pumping systems
  • Most important characteristics of a pumping system
  • Types of pumps
  • Basic difference between Centrifugal and PD pumps
  • Market applications and Selection ofPumps
  1. Centrifugal Pumps
  • Types (Constructionbased)
  • Construction of an impeller
  • Types of impellers
  • Seal chamber and stuffing box
  • Defining Suction Head
  • Capacity, Input horsepower, output horsepower, Efficiency
  1. Pump Fundamental
  • Head v/s Pressure
  • Effect of specific gravity on Head
  • Design of volutes and flow patterns
  • Specific gravity and pump performance
  • Effect of fluid velocity
  • What is TDH and TH
  1. Pump Performance parameters
  • Head-Flow characteristics
  • Power-Flow characteristics
  • Pump Efficiency
  • Efficiency v/s Flow
  • Understanding Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) and its importance
  1. NPSH and Cavitation
  • Cavitation process
  • Cavitation damage
Day -3
  1. Preferred operating range of a centrifugal pump
  2. Pump characteristic curves
  • Effect of RPM and impellerdiameter
  • System curves and Types of System Curves
  • Calculating Power required to lift the fluid
  • Static Head and Dynamic Head
  • Parameters influencing frictional losses
  • Standard Pipe Head Loss Tables
  • Pump vibration
  1. How pumps get damaged – 10 Ways
  2. Monitoring and Predicting Centrifugal Pump performance
  • If the pumpdoes not deliver enough water
  • If the pump does not deliver enough pressure
  • If the pump does not prime properly
  • If the pump is drawing too much amperage
  • Monitoring Wet end of the pump
    • Monitoring Stuffing box and Seal area
    • Mechanical seals
    • Monitoring Bearing case
  1. Predicting pump performance
Day - 4
  1. Preventive maintenance
  • Preventing bearing and seal failures
  • Good maintenance practices for seals and bearings
  • Recommended daily preventive maintenance checks for centrifugal pumps and drives
  • Recommended monthly and 6 monthly preventive maintenance checks for centrifugal pumps and drives
  • Recommended yearly preventive maintenance checks for centrifugal pumps and drives
  1. Trouble shooting of centrifugal pumps
  • The pump is hooked up to the piping and it is running
  • The pump is still hooked up to the piping, but it is not running
  • The pump has been taken into the workshop, but has not yet been disassembled and you will be present at the disassembly
  • The pump has been disassembled. You were not present, but the parts are available for your inspection
  • Troubleshooting four possibilities of rub or wear marks
  • Centrifugal pumps – Troubleshooting guide
  1. Trouble shooting of Reciprocating Pumps
  2. Pump storage tips
Day - 5
  1. Alignment techniques
  • What is coupling alignment?
  • Types of coupling
  • Types of Misalignment
  • Measurement Conventions
  • Pre-alignment Steps
  • Alignment Tolerances
  • Thermal Growth Targets
  • soft foot
  • Sequence of moves
  • Steps of alignment
  1. How to start a pump
  • Pump rotation
  • Other Startup Considerations
  • Pump Start up
  تحديث بتاريخ 18 September, 2019

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