تفاصيل الدورة
Wordsare less important than your voice in affecting the feelings and attitudes of your audience,and, even added together, they don't make as big an impression as nonverbal and nonvocalcues.
While there are no reliable, exact measures as yet, from all the anecdotal evidence I haveaccumulated from my years of doing and observing presentations, I have no doubt thatfacial expressions and body language play a major role in whatever impression you makeon your audience.
Whether you… + المزيد
تفاصيل الدورة
Wordsare less important than your voice in affecting the feelings and attitudes of your audience,and, even added together, they don't make as big an impression as nonverbal and nonvocalcues.
While there are no reliable, exact measures as yet, from all the anecdotal evidence I haveaccumulated from my years of doing and observing presentations, I have no doubt thatfacial expressions and body language play a major role in whatever impression you makeon your audience.
Whether you are meeting someone one-on-one or speaking to an audience of fivethousand, before you've said a word, people have made some kind of judgment about you.
And while your superficial appearance is important—what you're wearing, how fit andgroomed you are, and how attractive you may be—they determine what kind of a personyou are based on cues that are far more subtle.
Unaware of this, many presenters focus exclusively on the words of their presentation andignore all the other more important components. They give no thought to the best place tostand when talking to an audience. They don't know how to use their hands or their eyes togive their message maximum impact. When you know how to use the tools of bodylanguage and facial expression to enhance your persuasive powers, you will be a far moreeffective presenter than you ever imagined.
تحديث بتاريخ 18 February, 2018 - أقل