Professional Diploma in Advertising And Design M.A.D. School
السعر: TBA

    تفاصيل الدورة

    Our most popular and signature formula integrating marketing & advertising into design. Yearning for a trailblazing career as a creative director or owner of your design or advertising agency? This comprehensive course will arm you the strategic thinking and analytical skills to thrive in the advertising and design industry. It is a lethal combination of the Diploma in Communication & Design and Specialist Diploma in Advertising & Design.

    M.A.D. School’s Professional Diploma in Advertising and Design combines both pragmatic and strategic studies in a never seen before three-in-one pow-wow diploma based on our MAD formula. Benefit from site visits, case studies, hands-on assignments and explorations into contemporary design by creating your portfolio through solid industry-like training.


    • Visual Communication
    • Typography & Communication Design
    • Digital Studios I
    • Corperate Identity & Design
    • Editorial Design
    • Online Media Design
    • Creative Thinking
    • Advertising Overview
    • Marketing Overview
    • Television Commercial
    • Digital Studios II
    • Branding
    • Copywriting
    • Packaging & Print Technology
    • M.A.D. Intergrated Major Project
    تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

    نبذة عن معهد M.A.D. School

    We_They offers our very own unique MAD formula, a powerful program that integrates marketing, advertising and design. Thanks to our strategic partnership with industry professionals and leaders, our curriculum evolves as market evolves.  Change is constant; to stay ahead of our game, we challenge the norms and existing education boundaries.  We ask WHY NOT as life is too short for complacency. 

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