- مدة الدورة التدريبية: Flexible
تفاصيل الدورة
E m p l o y e r s w o r l d w i d e a r e s e a r c h i n g f o r p r o f e s s i o n a l s w i t h v a l i d a t e d s k i l l s . W i t h a P R I N C E 2 c e r t i f i c a t i o n i n h a n d , y o u l l c e r t a i n l y s t a n d o u t f r o m t h e c r o w d . P R I N C E 2 ? i s a p r o c e s s - b a s e d m e t h o d o l o g y f o r e f f i c i e n t a n d e f f e c t i v e P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t . T h i s c o u r s e b u n d l e w i l l p r o v i d e y o u w i t h t h e k n o w l e d g e a n d s k i l l s r e q u i r e d t o p a s s t h e P R I N C E 2 ? F o u n d a t i o n a n d P r a c t i t i o n e r e x a m s a n d t o e n s u r e y o u a r e e q u i p p e d w i t h t h e r i g h t t o o l s t o s t a r t a r e w a r d i n g a n d s u c c e s s f u l c a r e e r a s a P r o j e c t M a n a g e r .
Course Description
Employers worldwide are searching for professionals with validated skills, with a PRINCE2 certification in hand, you'll certainly stand out from the crowd. PRINCE2® is a process-based methodology for efficient and effective Project Management.
This course bundle will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to pass the PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner exams. To ensure you are equipped with the right tools to start a rewarding and successful career as a Project Manager.
PRINCE2® Foundation
The PRINCE2® Foundation is the first of two examinations that you are required to pass in order to become a registered PRINCE2® Practitioner. This makes it the ideal starting point for anyone who is interested in a rewarding career in Project Management.
The Foundation certification is internationally recognised and covers the basic methodology and terminology of PRINCE2®. Completing the Foundation course will ensure the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the PRINCE2® Principles, Themes, Processes and Tailoring. It will also teach the various techniques and roles that are required during a PRINCE2® Project.
Completion of the PRINCE2® Foundation course, and passing the certification examination, will result in being sufficiently prepared to work within a PRINCE2® environment and as a part of a PRINCE2® Project Management team. Successfully passing the PRINCE2® Foundation examination is also a prerequisite for writing the PRINCE2® Practitioner exam which will lead to becoming a Registered PRINCE2® Practitioner. A qualification in PRINCE2® is highly beneficial and the perfect investment for a future in the Project Management sector.
PRINCE2® Practitioner
The PRINCE2® Practitioner certification is the next step after the PRINCE2® foundation and shows the candidate is able to act as a sufficiently informed member of a Project Management team that uses the PRINCE2® methodology.
Having already gained the basic understanding of the PRINCE2® method and terminology in the Foundation course, the PRINCE2® Practitioner course aims at providing a deeper insight into the methodology. The Practitioner course will detail the relationships between the Processes, Themes and Principles of PRINCE2® and the reasons behind them.
The PRINCE2® Practitioner course will prepare the candidate to be able to apply the method in an appropriate manner within a given set of circumstances and begin to work on projects.
With the demand for PRINCE2® continuously increasing, there is no better time to gain a valuable PRINCE2® certification and enhance your employability.
Benefits to you
- Learn how to manage projects or to work in a project environment using the most internationally recognized project management method.
- Ensure that team members focus on the viability of the project in relation to its business case objectives - rather than simply seeing the completion of the project as an end in itself.
- Promote consistency of project work and the ability to reuse project assets while facilitating staff mobility and reducing the impact of personnel changes/handovers.
- Design plans and reports to meet the needs of each level in the project team and Project Board, improving communication and control.
- Mitigate perceived problems and issues and focus on the viability of the project throughout.
- Evaluate the project portfolio to bring clarity and allow improvements in reviewing projects.
You will develop a thorough understanding of the knowledge, principles and techniques involved in the practice of project management in a stimulating and challenging environment.
The course has no formal entry requirements, and is designed to give you real-world knowledge that you can put to use from day one. It's highly flexible, so you can set your own timetable and study at your own pace.
We train our students to the very best standards, offering expert instructor-led training via our state of the art eLearning platform.
Who Is This Course For?
Ideal for those who are looking to embark on a project management career or are already in project management and require certifications to enhance their CV.
Ideal for those who are looking to embark on a project management career or are already in project management and require certifications to enhance their CV.
Career Path
We've put together a list of relevant job titles you can apply for after achieving the PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) certification (note that some careers may require further study, training and/or work experience):- Project Administrator
- Project Officer
- PMO Co-ordinator
- Project Manager
- PRINCE2® Foundation Certification Training GreyCampus480 USDمدة الدورة التدريبية: 23 Hours
- PRINCE2® 2017 Practitioner Official Exam 1TRAINING334 USD
2,353 USDمدة الدورة التدريبية: Upto 1 Hours