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**** After several weeks of practicing what you'll learn here - You will be able to BEAUTIFULLYplay all of your favorite songs. ****
This is the course you've been looking for, and this is the most complete, systematic approach for learning guitar online.
Do you LOVE listening to music, and especially tosongs with guitars in them?
Did you always wish to be able to play your favorite songs by yourself? (perhapswhile singing along as well?)
Are you tired of long winded YouTube lessons andUdemy coursesthat get you nowhere? Or maybeyou've been playing for some time, but the songs you play still don'tsound good and seem like a lot of work?
Didyou ever think that you're just "not musical" and won't be able to do this?
Well, I have exactly what you're looking for, and you're gonna love it. So ifyou love music - read on.
My name is Alon, I am the founder of GuitarHippies-com, one of the world's top five most read guitar blogs.(* source)I learned guitarby myself,and I am here to help you do it too, while solvinga MAJOR problem in the music teaching world:
90% of thepeople who start playing the guitar - quit it within a year. (**source)
That'sa shame to hear, but I know EXACTLY why this happens - and I worked very hard to get the solution for you.
The Reason: Most teachers (online and offline) focus on too much fluff anddon't really consider the player's wants and needs. Most lessons' final goalsare too vague, too long winded, and lack a focus and understanding of what most people are really after - which is simplyto play the songs that THEY love - out of their own hands.
NOTplaying boringscales. NOTplaying some useless, generic melodies. NOT to have a 70 minutes lecture on what's a guitar strap.
Forget that.I am here to give you the QUICKRESULTS.
"An awesome course on guitar. I play acoustic but never went through a conventional guitar lesson or never took any lesson from a guitarist. I have learnt a lot of things that have halted my growth as a guitarist. There're some great valuable insights & tips that beginners can use and avoid training in the wrong way. The lessons and his playing is very clean. I have seen very few people play that clean and his equipments are amazing. Very clean playing and precise tutorials. You won't waste your time taking lessons from his courses." Khan Sami, India.
Why should you listen to me?
Hey!My name is Alonand I am 28 years old.I have been teaching music, both online and face to face, to tens ofthousands of students in the last six years - while traveling four different continentsand jammin' and performingwith many different musicians. I am mainly a guitarist, pianist and harmonica player,and I also playother instruments including theflute, trumpet, bassand more.I am constantly looking for the best ways and shortcuts to teaching music effectively - and with FUN. The studentfeedbacks showthat I do it verywell.(:
My guitar blog,GuitarHippies-com, (founded in2014)where I share my tips for playing music,has a monthly readership of over100K peoplefrom over a 150different countriesand is one of the world's top five most read guitar blogs*.I am also the founder of theHarmonica Jamz-comcourses and blog that has been onlinesince 2016 and hasthousandsof happystudents here on Udemy.
The GuitarHippies' Play Your Playlist system is geared towards one thing: giving you the ability to smoothly and joyfullyplay YOUR favorite songs.
NOONE quits guitar when he's actually successful at playing his favorite songs.
By the end of the course - you will have at your fingertips the ability to literally play 1000's of songs - whichever ones you choose to. How?
DELIVERINGTHERESULTS. Some of thecore videos that will give you the keys tounlock 1000's of songs:
5 Principles forAchievinga Clean & Beautiful CHORDSSound.
My Method forHow to Easily Find the Correct Strumming Pattern for Any Song. (I struggled for years until I came up with this unbreakable method)
Where to Find the Best Chord Charts for Your Favorite Songs and How to Print Your Own CustomDIYChord Books of Your Favorite Songs.
My 2 Hacks for How to quicklySUPER-LEARNNew Chords,and Shortcut Your Way to Playing More Songs.
How to SWITCHBetween Chords Effortlessly, and Overcome the #1 Beginners' Block to Fluent Song-Playing.
The Methods and Apps that Will Help You Develop a Rock Solid Sense of Rhythm and Sound Like a Pro.
EXTRAS. In the second part of the course, we'll take your skills even further and send you on your guitar journeys with a greater focus: (new lessons are constantlyadded to this part every 1-2 months)
The 13 most useful guitar apps in 2018 - apps that will actually help you improve much faster.
8ways to develop your time-keeping skills and really get thatprosound.
How to use a capo to make sure the song matches your voice, and also to create different voicings when playing with another guitarist.
6 tips on howto easilyconquer any barre chord. (like the F chord)
10ways to improve your "musicality".
4 ways to avoid the notoriouspain in thefingertipsthat every guitarist encounters.
My favorite 13 guitar accessories - things that'll actuallyimprove your guitar life.
How tofind that one chord that finishes the song perfectly.
6 ways to customize your guitar and add some elegant bling to it.
The ideal fingernail length for playing guitar.
The 4 pillars of the a perfect guitarmaintenanceroutine that'll make your guitar fun to come back to.
And More lessons that will enrich your skills and sound, with newer ones added regularly.
All the lessons are shot in 4K resolution in a boutique music studio.
Multiple camera angles.
Split screen teaching for increased clarity.
Fancy graphics and animations flying in and out.
Recorded through high end microphones and finished by a well known audio engineer.
And just about everything else that's available in 2018to give you the best user experience and help you learn.You won't find asimilar level of production in all of Udemy's otherguitar courses.
"Outstanding, the teacher is first of all outstandingly talented and plays over ten instruments, and I also highly like his teaching style: very bright, no "hmmms" and such. And the idea of learning using my own favorite songs really works and feels great." Harry Hofstra, California.
Printable SONGBOOK:ON TOPof the lessons, you will also receive a printable PDFBeginners Songbook with over 35 songs that you're encouraged to play whiletaking the core lessons,ALL THESONGSAREACCOMPANIED WITHADETAILEDVIDEOLESSON that will show you the process of how I take any song from an online chord chart - and turn it into real, livemusic - the exact process that you will learnto repeat with your own favorite songs.
Some of the songs you will learn, ranging from classic rocktopop,country and more:
Ed Sheeran - The A-Team
Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Oasis - Wonderwall
Green Day - Time of Your Life
The Eagles - Take It Easy
Ben E. King - Stand By Me
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
Bob Dylan - Knockin' on Heaven's Door
You Are My Sunshine
Outkast - Hey Ya
Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel
Leonard Cohen / Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Florida Georgia Line - Cruise
Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California
Sublime - What I Got
Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want
And many others - whileevenmore songs' video lessons areadded regularly.
Remember -I don't want you to pay forthe lessons only to quit after two months.My mission is to get you topick up the guitar and develop that PASSION and motivation that will keep driving you to make music for the rest of your life.
Why shouldn't I take another course or just watch free YouTube lessons?
Two reasons:
1) Your time is valuable, and trying to learn your way through random lessons on random guitartopics (instead of using a systematic, logical andproven approach) will never get you as far as a systematic method. Even more, using random YouTube lessons will make it way more likely that you'll quit the guitar.
2) I understand you. Just like how I learned independently how to play theguitar - I knowyour wants and needs - and I am here to shortcut your way to the success which is playing all of your beloved songs. I built this course as the DREAMGUIDEfor independent learners that I wish I had at the time - and could have saved me literally thousands of hours of struggling around before I found and developed those shortcuts and methods myself.
Can't wait to hear your stories after you'll be successfully jammin' all of your songs with your friends.
*According to SimilarWeb-com stats.
**According to a study by Fender - google "90 of new guitarists".
"Explanations are very clear. Lots of great ideas on how to go about learning and practicing the chords fast. Very pleasant and relaxed presentation with lots of great ideas and examples. I look forward to continuing the class!" Fred Bogdan.
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