تفاصيل الدورة

This accredited course provides a comprehensive introduction to the person centred approach to disability and empowerment. It combines online learning with a series of intensive workshops that will provide you with the knowledge, skills and abilities required to use person centred planning to:

  • Support a person to develop their personal profile
  • Facilitate them and their circle of support to produce an action plan that will achieve their personal goals

Who Is This Course For?

The course is aimed at people about to begin a person centred plan with an individual. This includes:

  • Care Worker
  • Health Care Assistant
  • Personal Assistant
  • Family Support Worker
  • Home Support Worker
  • Community Care Worker

Learning Objectives

After successfully completing the course you should be able to:

  • Explain the principles, philosophy and value base that underpins a person centred approach to disability and empowerment
  • Describe the main steps in the person centred planning process
  • Identify and perform the key skills of an effective person centred practitioner
  • Use the concepts of empowerment and disempowerment to evaluate a service being provided to an individual
  • Support a person with a disability to develop their personal profile
  • Facilitate a person with a disability, with the support of members of their circle of support, to:
  • Identify their dreams, goals and support needs for their future
  • Produce an action plan
  • Develop and discuss solutions to the challenges of working with individuals using a person centred focus that empowers them to make informed choices and decisions



Unit 1: History & Concept of Empowerment

  • Empowerment for People with Disabilities – Overview
  • History of Empowerment
  • Empowerment & Legislation
  • Methods of Empowerment

Unit 2: Qualities of Empowerment

  • Qualities of Empowerment

Unit 3: Advocacy as a Method of Empowerment

  • Definitions & Development of Advocacy
  • Growth of Advocacy in Ireland & Abroad
  • Principles, Forms & Ethics of Advocacy
  • Values of Advocacy in your Everyday Work

Unit 4: Facilitation Skills to Support Empowerment of People with Disabilities

  • Empowering Practice in your Role
  • The Process of Empowerment through Effective Facilitation
  • The Principled Advocacy Framework
  • Facilitating Empowerment – Core Elements

Unit 5: Empowerment in your Working Environment

  • The Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities
  • Levels of Empowerment
  • Service Providers & Support Workers
  • How Empowering is your Work Environment?
  • How Empowering is your Organisation?


Unit 1: Person Centred Planning: The Context

  • The Service System
  • Service System Models
  • Traditional Service Model
  • O’Brien’s Basic Strategy
  • Customer-driven Model
  • Exploring Values
  • Five valued Experience & Service Accomplishments
  • The Concept of Inclusion
  • Circle of Friends
  • The Concept of Giftedness
  • Empowerment
  • Self-determination & Advocacy
  • Service brokerage

Unit 2: Person Centred Planning: The Principles

  • Planning – Essential Features
  • Kolb’s Planning/Learning Cycle
  • Person Centred Planning – Key Features

Unit 3: Person Centred Planning: The Steps

  • The PCP Process – Overview
  • Phase 1: Discovering the Person
  • Phase 2: Capacity Searching & Safeguards Search
  • Phase 3: Vision making: Images of Desirable Futures
  • Phase 4: Circles of Support
  • Phase 5: Constructive Actions
  • Phase 6: Reflection & Learning

Unit 4: Person Centred Planning: Skills & Techniques

  • The Facilitator – Roles & Skills
  • Facilitating Groups
  • Problem Solving, Negotiating & Resolving Conflict – Methods, Approaches & Challenges
  • Managing Time
  • Managing Change
  • Developing Creative Skills
  • Acting as a Coach
  • Person Centred Planning & Leadership
  • Managing Creative Tension
  • Teams, Partnership & Collaboration

Unit 5: Person Centred Planning: The Wider Organisation

  • Organisations & Person Centred Planning
  • Systems, Loops & Service Deficits
  • Organisational Quality & Personal Outcomes
  • Personal Outcomes & Measures
  • Personal Outcomes & the 5 Valued Experiences


Successful completion of the course is dependent on undertaking a series of short assignments. These involve:

  • Completing a practical project that ties together your learning and professional practice (title: Designing a Person Centred Plan)
  • Engaging in critical reflection on your experiences (title: “A Personal Reflection”)


The course is certified as a Level 5 Award by QQI/FETAC. Successful participants will obtain two component certificates:

  • Person Centred Focus to Disability (5N1728) (15 credits)
  • Empowering the Individual(5N1749) (15 credits)

These sit on the Major Level 5 Award: Intellectual Disability Practice (5M3782). The component certificates count towards two components out of the eight to be successfully completed for this Level 5 Major Award.

تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

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The We_They exists to provide accredited training and consultancy services to the human services and non-profit sector. Our knowledge and expertise:

  • Provides people with the skills required to effectively perform their professional roles
  • Directly addresses the operational and strategic challenges experienced by organisations within the sector
  • Makes a constructive contribution to policy and professional practice
  • Offers positive outcomes for service users by encouraging best-practice person-centred processes and competencies
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