تفاصيل الدورة

The program is designed to train the selected residents to gain relevant academic knowledge, clinical experiences and surgical skills required to work as senior registrars and later (after gaining more research, teaching and subspecialty experiences) be eligible for promotion to consultant.

The program is pided into 2 parts:

  • Part I (2 years) - Basic Specialty Training (BST) qualifies the successful residents to be promoted to the registrar level in the Ophthalmology Department and to continue with Part II of the postgraduate training program.
  • Part II (3 years) - Higher Specialty Training (HST) quali- fies the successful candidates to be awarded the Speciali- zation Certificate in Ophthalmology by KIMS (SCO, KIMS) and promoted to work as senior registrars in the Ophthal- mology Department


The applicants for admission to the training program should:

  • Have a basic medical degree approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Kuwait and by KIMS, preferably with above-average academic record.
  • Have completed the internship period administered by KIMS or comparable training abroad acceptable to KIMS, preferably with satisfactory reports from the supervisors.
  • Be employed by a Ministry of the State of Kuwait or by another institution outside Kuwait, subject to approval by KIMS and the licensing Authority of the State of Kuwait Priority will be given to the applicants with previous experience in ophthalmology.
  • Pass the interview and assessment that would be con- ducted by the Residents Selection Committee appointed by KIMS.

Basic Specialty Training (BST)

General Objectives

On completion of the BST (the first 2 years) and passing the BST Final Examination every candidate must have:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of the basic sciences inclu- ding embryology, anatomy, histology, physiology, bio- chemistry, pathology, microbiology and pharmacology of the eye, its adnexa, the visual pathways and the visual system.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of physical, geometric and applied optics and errors of refraction and their measure- ment and correction.
  • Registrar level dinical experiences in Ophthalmology enough to work with competence in the emergency and outpatient clinics.
  • Satisfactory skills in minor surgical procedures, regional anesthesia, periocular injections and preoperative and postoperative management.
  • Comprehensive knowledge and skills in harvesting, pre- serving and transporting eyes for corneal transplantation.

Training Program

Every trainee will be required to maintain a Surgical Log Book during training. A format for the Log Book will be provided at the beginning of the training period.

The residents will spend 2 years in Al-Bahar Ophthalmic Cen- ter rotating in the different subspecialty units of the Depart- ment as given below to study the different subjects of Clinical Ophthalmology:

4 months each in

  • Cornea and External eye diseases
  • Vitreoretinal disorders
  • Oculoplasty and Orbital diseases

2 months each in

  • General Ophthalmology
  • Glaucoma
  • Uveitis
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Strabismus.

In addition, the residents will have regular duties in the casualty clinic for at least 18 hours a week. During each rotation period the resident will be attached to one tutor under the supervision of the Head of the Unit

In-training Evaluation

At the end of each rotation period a formal in-training report will be filled and signed by the tutor, head of the unit and head of the Department and given to the program director to be kept in the file of the resident

One unsatisfactory or 2 borderline in-training reports will place the resident on probation during the next rotation period. If the resident’s performance continues to be unsatis- factory during that period, he/she is dismissed from the pro- gram.

At the end of BST a report will be written and signed by the program director and the Chairman of the PGTP Committee as an end-of-training evaluation. The report will be based on the overall attendance, behavior and participation of the resi- dent in the Department and PGTP scientific activities e.g. clinical meetings, Journal dubs, symposia, courses and lec- tures etc. The Surgical Log Book, too, will be evaluated.

BST Final Examination

The BST Final Examination will be held every 6 months and is composed of:

  • Module 1 - Basic Sciences Examination: 60 MCQs for 2 hours.
  • Module 2 - Optics and Refraction Examination: 60 MCQs for 2 hours.

Module 3 - Basic Clinical Ophthalmology Examination:

  • 60 MCQs for 2 hours.
  • Oral examination for 40 minutes in 2 stations.
  • Clinical examination for 40 minutes.

The resident is permitted to sit the 3 module examinations at the end of the second year (end of BST).

The resident will be considered as having completed the BST and would be allowed to start HST if he/she:

  • Obtained satisfactory in-training and end-of-training reports.
  • Passed the 3 module examinations.

Any resident who fails will be suspended from the program for one year. He/She will be allowed a maximum of 2 attempts to re-sit the failed module examination. If successful, the candi- date will proceed to start HST at the beginning of the follow- ing academic year. The residents who fail will be dismissed from the program.

Higher Specialty Training (HST)

General Objectives

On completion the HST and passing the HST Final Examination the graduate will be able to perform the following:

  • Full Ophthalmologic examination and relevant investiga- tions including field examination, Fluorescein Angio- graphies, electrophysiology, ultrasonography etc.
  • Diagnosis and management of all common eye disorders in Kuwait and Gulf area.
  • Diagnosis and management of all ocular emergencies.
  • Excision of lesions of the cornea, conjunctiva and ocular adnexa.
  • Surgical procedures on naso-lacrimal passage.
  • Corrective surgery, i.e. trichiasis, entropion, ectropion and other common disorders.
  • Management of strabismus medically and surgically.
  • Intraocular procedures i.e., cataract surgery, filtering pro- cedures, iridectomy and anterior vitrectomy.
  • Simple retinal procedures like cryopexy and uncompli- cated retinal detachment.
  • Evisceration and enucleation.
  • Application of cryo and different types of laser therapy.

The graduate will also be able to:

  • Make independent decisions and manage with a high ethical standard.
  • Give consultations to the patients, junior Ophthalmologists and other Medical Specialists.
  • Give legal opinions.
  • Do research works and write scientific papers.
  • Share in teaching and training of the nursing staff, medical students and junior ophthalmologists.

Training Program

Successful candidates who passed BST will spend 3 years in Al-Bahar Center to complete their Higher Specialty Training. They will rotate in the subspecialty units as in BST and will be given a higher level of training and more responsibilities for longer periods, as indicated below:

4 months each in

  • Cornea and External eye diseases
  • Vitreoretinal disorders
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology
  • Oculoplasty and Orbital diseases

3 months each in

  • General Ophthalmology
  • Glaucoma
  • Uveitis
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Strabismus.

In addition, the residents will have regular duties in the casualty clinic. They will be given the chance to assist in and practice the different emergency surgical procedures under supervision.

During each rotation period the candidate will be attached to one tutor under the supervision of the Head of the Unit and given a higher level of training and a chance to do the assigned surgical procedures and laser therapy under su- pervision.

During the 1st and 2nd years of HST the candidate will spend 2 months in each of the following departments:

  • Neurology Department of Ibn Sina Hospital.
  • Rheumatology Department.
  • Endocrinology Department (including Diabetology).

In these departments the candidate will share in the out- patient and in-patient activities and be involved in the regu- lar duties. He will learn the methods of investigations and management modalities of the different diseases that have ophthalmic complications. The candidate will be attached to one tutor as arranged with the Head of the department.

تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

نبذة عن معهد Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization

KIMS was established under a decree issued by HH the Amir of Kuwait. The institute is engaged in a variety of activities, including the organization of internship training of pre-registration medical graduates, specialty training at various levels in different medical fields, and continuing medical education programs for health professionals practicing in Kuwait.

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