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JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a very popular and widelyused data format. It is platform neutral which means it will work with anyprogramming language and operating system.It is a light weight format with theability to convert to native JavaScript objects.

JSON is a bit like XML but simpler and shorter to write. The syntax usedis similar to that used by JavaScript .Knowing some JavaScript will be useful hence I have included some lectures likeJavaScript variables, operators and functions. JSON can be parsed orinterpreted using JavaScript functions so having a basic understanding of JavaScriptfunctions will help when the functions are used to translate JSON.

This is a short video based course of less than 90 minutes long tointroduce you to JSON and learn especially how to write and understand JSONsyntax. JSON isn't really a programming language in its own right,it's more of a data format so understanding some JavaScript concepts will helpyou understand JSON. A basic knowledge of JavaScript is advised but I haveincluded some useful JavaScript concepts like variables, functions and operators toguide you.

What you will learn inthis course:

  • What is JSON
  • JSON Syntax
  • JavaScript Variable
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Functions
  • How to create JSON objects
تحديث بتاريخ 04 December, 2015
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