تفاصيل الدورة

This course covers the essential principles and hand on practice to creating Poster, Billboard, Signboard, Stand, Bag and Gift boxes, logo, Business Card, Brochure, Catalogue, Magazine, Newspaper, letter pad. The course is covering the knowledge in: Identity, Publishing, Marketing, Environment and Printing. Complete Web Design, Basics HTML/CSS to Web Design 2.0. Uploading, Animation, Java Scripting, etc

Programs Tools

  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Corel Draw 
  • Adobe illustrator

Course Coverage

  • Introduction to Graphics and its applications
  • Introduction to Adobe infrastructure
  • Introduction to Corel infrastructure
  • Use of Graphics with design concepts
  • Print Design, Composition & Layout
  • Understanding Color System
  • Types of Images and uses
  • Painting and coloring
  • Layers and text Tools
  • Sketches, Tracing, Drawings
  • Working with Graphic Objects
  • Working with Colors and Strokes
  • Vector images & Image Shaping
  • Tools for Drawing and Painting
  • Libraries, Symbols and Instances
  • Filters and Affects
  • Rollover Buttons
  • Photo Enhancements
  • Printing Methodologies
  • Filters & Patterns
  • Transform Tools
  • Final Live Project

Certificate/Diploma: No

تحديث بتاريخ 13 July, 2020
دورات يمكنك الالتحاق بها على الفور... خذ دورة عبر الإنترنت على Graphic Design ابتداءً من الآن.
  • 93 درهم
    1,469 درهم
    مدة الدورة التدريبية: Upto 8 Hours
  • InCopy CS2 Study 365
    116 درهم
    833 درهم
    مدة الدورة التدريبية: Upto 6 Hours
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