تفاصيل الدورة

Are you financially unhealthy? - Maybe you simply have a financial flu - that is your finances are currently a bit under the weather. There are certain actionable steps that you need to take in order to bring your finances back up to full financial health.

This course is specifically designed for people who have taken the 'Check your financial health' quiz and received the result of 'Financial Flu' that is you need a bit of TLC applied to your finances.

Regardless of how much money you make, regardless of what your finances have been like in the past, the steps to financial health are the same.

The course is 9 lectures long and will take you less than an hour if you watch it straight through from start to finish. The lectures are a mixture of talking head and screen record plus slides. It is designed with clear basic English to even people who have English as a second language will be able to follow along easily.

This course will take you through how to alter your money mindset, how to implement a financial system that will help you not only control, but also grow you money, how to create automatic savings that grow over time.

There is a practical activity that is detrimental to the course, in which you will actually work out your total income and what your monthly expenses are giving you your total monthly net income. Regardless of whether or not this is positive of negative, this gives you a fantastic opportunity to see where most of your money is going and then take practical steps in order to reduce expenses or create more income.

If you want to improve how you control your personal finances, then this is the course for you.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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