تفاصيل الدورة

General English in the mornings and General Business English on 2 afternoons per week. For students who are at Pre Intermediate level or have completed A2 level and above.

Course Organisation

  • The morning classes are those of the Standard Course, GE01, as described in the General English section.
  • Afternoon General Business English lessons are provided on Monday and Tuesday afternoons
  • The purpose of The General Business English module (Ref. GBE02) is to help students to understand and practise the fundamentals of effective business communication through English.
  • It is aimed at students who have a professional need for Business English, i.e. people in or training for jobs in the business world. It is not intended to be a specialist module covering one particular area in great depth. It is designed to cover, in a practical way, the English needed in everyday business or work situations.
  • The topics covered are from a range which can include management, enterprise, job interviews, leadership, environmental issues, standards and ethics, advertising, telephone and email English, presentations, branding, marketing and sales, customer relations management.
  • Students work individually, in pairs and in groups to discuss, debate and present their views.
  • The focus is on vocabulary building, effective reading skills and building confidence in speaking fluently in English in a business/work related environment.
  • Students making presentations of a business nature have the option to have some of their presentation work filmed for future reference if they wish.
  • EU students may enrol for afternoon General Business classes only.
  • Non EU students wishing to take General Business English classes must also take morning classes.
  • Students taking this course may also prepare for the TOEIC (Test of English in International Communication) examination as an assisted self study option. Alpha College is a TOEIC centre so the TOEIC examination can be arranged at quite short notice.
تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015
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