Risk Reliability Management AZTech Training & Consultancy
السعر: 18,181 درهم

    تفاصيل الدورة

    This intensive training course in Dubai aims to equip delegates with skills to commission, appraise, review and apply risk-based approach so that organisations can improve the reliability of the assets, reduce maintenance costs and achieve higher levels of safety and environmental integrity over the life cycle of their ;        

    Risk management has become the central function of a utility professional and organisations are being held to a higher standard by their shareholders to improve return on investment, by their customers to produce better quality, and by society to improve safety and environmental ;Traditional maintenance tactics are unlikely to meet the demands that are placed on the modern organisation and for this reason progressive organisation are changing to a risk-based approach.

    This AZTech training course will feature:
    • How the objective of maintenance over the last twenty years has steadily shifted from a ‘prevention’ approach to ‘risk-based' approach
    • Why the evolution to larger and more complex systems capable of higher capacities leads to greater losses and requires a change in maintenance tactics
    • How lean processes with less in-process storage and lower product inventories create a bigger demand for reliability
    • How organisations are being held to a higher standard by society with regard to safety and environmental responsibility
    • How organisations can overcome the above challenges by applying what they will learn in this course
    What are the Goals?

    By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
    • Choose systems for reliability and risk improvement
    • Identify functions and appropriate performance standards
    • Anticipate the failed states, failure modes and damage mechanisms of a system
    • Apply maintenance tactics to reduce risk and improve reliability
    • Apply a team-based approach to implement risk and reliability improvement
    تحديث بتاريخ 08 October, 2018

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