تفاصيل الدورة

Day 1
The strategic role of purchasing

· Purchasing terms and definitions
· Evolution of purchasing into a strategic function
· Purchasing relationships within the organization
· Purchasing process
· Ethical principles governing the purchasing function
Day 2
Using an appropriate writing style

· Writing in an impersonal style
· Organizing paragraphs and sentences
· Writing applications
· Simple language
· Specific language
· Positive language
· Using active verbs
· Applying easy and effective grammatical rules
· Gunning fog index for writing complexity
Day 3
Writing purchasing policies

· Purchasing policies: what are they and why do we need them?
· Guidelines for writing purchasing policies
· Purchasing policy scope
· Policy contents and exclusions
· Developing purchasing policies - practical application
Day 4
Designing purchasing processes and procedures

· Defining processes and procedures
· Considerations in developing processes and procedures
· Process development
                > Artistic processes
                > Scientific processes
· Process hierarchy
                > Abstract processes
                > Strategic processes
                > Operational processes
· Measuring and improving process performance
· Rules governing the use of flowchart symbols
· Mapping your processes using swim lane flowcharts
· Writing detailed procedures to support process maps
Day 5
Developing service level agreements

· The role of SLAs
· Understanding departmental inter-dependencies
· Principles for developing SLAs that add real value
· Typical SLA table of contents
· Writing SLA practical applications
· Service level management
                > Internal SLAs
                > External SLAs
· Measuring the purchasing function performance against SLAs تحديث بتاريخ 16 May, 2024


There are no special eligibility requirements to attend this course.

وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

Procurement Manager , Purchasing Manager , Logistics Manager
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