Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making AZTech Training & Consultancy
السعر: 18,181 درهم

    تفاصيل الدورة

    This interactive Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making training course in Dubai will highlight the added value that data analytics can offer a professional as a decision support tool in management decision making. It will show the use of data analytics to support strategic initiatives; to inform on policy information; and to direct operational decision making. The training course will emphasize applications of data analytics in management practice; focus on the valid interpretation of data analytics findings; and create a clearer understanding of how to integrate quantitative reasoning into management decision making. Exposure to the discipline of data analytics will ultimately promote greater confidence in the use of evidence-based information to support management decision making.

    This AZTech training course will feature:
    • Discussions on applications of data analytics in management
    • The importance of data in data analytics
    • Applying data analytical methods through worked examples
    • Focusing on management interpretation of statistical evidence
    • How to integrate statistical thinking into the work domain
    What are the Goals?

    By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:
    • Appreciate data analytics in a decision support role.
    • Explain the scope and structure of data analytics.
    • Apply a cross-section of useful data analytics.
    • Interpret meaningfully and critically assess statistical evidence.
    • Identify relevant applications of data analytics in practice.
    تحديث بتاريخ 03 October, 2018

    وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

    Analysts , Project Managers , Team Leads , Data Analyst

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