تفاصيل الدورة

This AZTech training course provides an overview of well-performance evaluation leading to determination of well conditions necessitating application of artificial lift. The various types of artificial lift systems along with their selection criteria are presented. The theoretical and practical aspects of the most important artificial lift methods will be covered, so that at the end of the training course the participants will have a sound knowledge of the theory underlying each method as well as a abroad view of the relative advantages, disadvantages, niche of applications and limitations of each artificial lift system.

This AZTech training course will feature:
  • Reservoir performance: inflow and outflow relationships
  • Effects of the artificial lift technologies against the stimulation operations
  • Design, equipment and accessories of the artificial lift systems
  • Artificial lift screening: criteria for selection of the artificial lift systems
  • Limitation and advantages of the artificial lift systems
What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:
  • Apply and gain an in-depth knowledge on the subsurface production operations
  • Explain reservoir performance such as inflow & outflow relationships
  • Apply and gain proper techniques on artificial lift systems and optimization technology
  • Discuss criteria for artificial lift system selection and artificial lift screening methods
  • Apply basic design and analysis concepts and specify the main components needed for each artificial lift system (gas lift systems, ESP systems, sucker rod pumping, jet pumps, hydraulic pumps and progressive cavity pumps)
تحديث بتاريخ 30 September, 2018

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