تفاصيل الدورة

Are you a college student, or soon-to-be college student? Are you the parent of a college student? There are many pitfalls when it comes to college, and borrowing for college. Before you take out student loans, you should take the time to plan things out properly.

Picking a college major. Choosing a school. Projecting post-college income. Setting borrowing limits. These are very important considerations to make before borrowing for college! Unfortunately, many people do not do this, and as a result many people have far too much in student loan debt than they can afford.

Honestly, I took out a little more debt than I could afford. I have worked my way through it and have paid off all of my debts, but it was rough starting out!

I have created this program to be a "prerequisite" for borrowing student loans. This online presentation covers a variety of topics that should be explored PRIOR to taking out student loans. With college prices skyrocketing, and student loans becoming more and more prominent, no one can afford to borrow on student loans before addressing these items.

I know exactly how student loans affect people (I have experienced it myself). I have won the battle against student loans, and I can help you win too! Sign up today and take control of your student loans! This program comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Also, once you purchase the program, you will have lifetime access!

Sign up today and take a step toward financial wellness!

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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