تفاصيل الدورة

Provides students with the skills, knowledge & attitudes relevant to gaining employment in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry. The course includes work-based training skills in top class Dublin hotels and work experience in a variety of retail outlets. Students work through modules at their own pace. Assessment is continuous, through assignments and projects.


  • Communications
  • Career Planning
  • Tourism Visitor Care
  • Workplace Safety
  • Understanding Interculturalism
  • Work Experience
  • Information Technology Skills
  • Teamworking
  • Work Related Social Skills
  • Personal Planning
  • Transition Guidance
  • Study Skills & Techniques


FETAC Level 4

تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

نبذة عن معهد National Learning Network - CPD

We_They provides a range of flexible training courses and support services for people who need specialist support (job seekers, unemployed, people with an illness or disability) in 50 centres around the country. The SOLAS courses and HSE programmes, all of which include work experience, offer nationally recognised qualifications including FETAC, ECDL, and City and Guilds ensuring that students are ready to get a job or go on to further education.

عرض الجميع دورات National Learning Network - CPD
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دورات يمكنك الالتحاق بها على الفور... خذ دورة عبر الإنترنت على Client Care and Customer Service ابتداءً من الآن. See all courses

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