تفاصيل الدورة
Java SE (30 hrs.)
Problem solving
What is a problem
How to solve a problem in a structured way
Define the role of soft skills to be a problem solver
Computing Theory
Define what is meant be software and apps
Define terms such as IT and Computing
Describe the general phases of software development
Programming Basics
(Define IPO (Input - Process - Output
Describe structured programming.
Describe Role of pseudocode in solving problems
Java Overview
Introduction to the origins and history of java
Define the java virtual Machine and the runtime environment.
Define the compilation and running of java programs
Why java is used for developing android apps and its benefits.
Defines data types
Define Arrays.
Define operators
Object Orientation Concepts
How to think in objects
Define objects and class
Define four pillars of object orientation concepts which are
Define abstract classes and interfaces
Data Structures
How to handle array problems and issues
Define sets, lists and maps
Define how to use the java collection framework classes and algorithms
Handling data that is unique
Define new ways of structuring data based on their order
How to write a generic class and method
Show how to write code that operate on general data structures using Generics
Show how to write code that operate on general data structures
Prevent run time errors due to incorrect data type detection
multi threading
Define threads
Define executor services
How to write fast apps by using multicores mobiles processor
Define exceptions and errors
Show the different actions and procedures to catch failures during run time
Android Overview
What is Android and why Android.
Android Market and versions.
What is android stack and SDK.
Introduction to android studio.
Starting a new android project.
Demonstrate basic android project structure through hello world app.
Application Basics , Activities and Intents
Android package and manifest file.
Activity life cycle.
Define intents
Saving and restoring activity information.
Using buttons and text views.
Launching activity from an event.
Using implicit intents for creating an activity.
Passing primitive data between activities.
How to make Voice calling
How to Send sms
How to show dialogs and alerts
How to work with Gallery.
How to work with with contacts.
Layouts and Views
Define material Design concepts.
Define different types of layout (constraintlayout,LinearLayout , RelativeLayout , TableLayout ).
Listviews and recyclerviews.
Using different widgets (date picker, time picker , spinner , custom buttons , edittext , checkbox , radiobuttons, toggle button , rating bar).
Creating Actionbar (ToolBar)
Working With Actionbar listener
Adding SearchView ActionBar
Creating Custom ActionBar
Creating Swipe Screens Using ViewPager
Using Fragment
Creating themes and styles
Handle various touch events.
Media and Animation
Data Storage and Databases
Define shared preference
Realm Database or any other 3rd party database
Threads , Services and Alerts
How to make apps faster and more user responsive
Using toasts and alerts.
Creating a self-contained service.
Define broadcast receivers
Show app notifications in status bar.
Location and Communication
How to get current location through GPS and satellite.
How to get current location through cellular towers.
How to show your location on the map.
Showing Google map
Pointing a Custom Markers on map
Calling web service
Consuming web service with xml and json
Parsing and extracting data
Gson Library (3rd party)
Connect to the internet via HTTPconnection/HTTPSconnection
Creating Download Dialog using AsynchTask
HTTPConnection using Post / Get
Creating Background Service
Creating and running Background Service
Create schedule background Service
Advanced Android
Connecting to backend cloud servers
Role of java EE , php or C# in building your backend server.
Integrate yor app with facebook
Creating Applications For Tablet UI
Let your app work in different languages
Resource Manager
Support multiple screens
Support landscape and portrait
Support regions and cultures
Material Design
Broadcast Receiver ( Application Listener)
Listen to Device events Calls, SMS, Battery )
Listen to Boot Actions
Signing & Publishing To Google Play Store
Sign your APK
Creating Google Publisher Account
Prepare your App information
Legal and not Legal
Submitting your APP
تحديث بتاريخ 09 August, 2020 - أقل